Electronics Forum: multicore lf-318 (Page 1 of 1)

Voiding in LGA (LT) soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 03 10:52:39 EDT 2010 | arjan

Mark, Can you send some X-ray foto's of your LGA solderjoints, I am curious about the results of a marginal paste volume in combination with the Multicore LF318. Did you follow the recommandation of LT and use also soldermask defined pads on your bo

Voiding in LGA (LT) soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 04:05:23 EDT 2010 | arjan

Hi Mark, Thanks for your responce! The stencil thickness and especially the reduction of 45% are not recommend by LT, did you came to this combination experimentally? We never have the illusion to produce voiding free, but now its around the accepta


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