Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 07:46:33 EST 2015 | clampron
Good Morning RedChilli, I have worked with Mirtec for quite a few years. I have looked at some of the other machines mentioned but have no practical experience with them. I started with the Mirtec MV-2 (long ago)due to the success of this platform,
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 12 09:21:59 EDT 2003 | Gabriele
Yes for sure you can use MV2F feeder on MV2VB, the only difference is MV2VB feeder have better design (more robust)then MV2-F type. For sure you have to take care do not mix "K" type with "Q" type feeders who are not compatible among them. Ciao.....
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 11 21:41:16 EDT 2003 | raf
I need to know if MV2F K type feeders fit on a MV2VB K type machine. thank you in advance, Raf
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 22 15:42:20 EDT 2010 | pcuser
Hi All! I need a service manual for a PANASERT MV2 (and (or) MV2C) machine. Thank you! pcuser
Electronics Forum | Thu May 21 19:02:45 EDT 2020 | ccouture
"how to access hidden screen on MV2C chip shooter" first result took me here: https://smtnet.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=search_submit&searchstring=panasonic%20mv2&collection=site_forum&orderby=relevancy
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 05 15:56:21 EST 2007 | jasont
NM-2858 is European style M size MV2F. NM-2859 is European style XL size MV2F. MV2F is manufactured rated at 0.1sec per placement however, I have only seen them acheive around 20-25,000 cph I have x2 MV2F-XL "Q" in stock (NM-2559MB) w/feeders. IF
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 03 21:48:09 EDT 2002 | fastek
I judge a country's technology level by what they buy and what China is buying are not MSR's and CP-7's. It's MV2's, MV2C's, CP-4's with an MV2F here and there. If that's not behind the curve, I don't know what is. I would say they are 5 years behind
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 18 17:26:51 EST 2011 | eadthem
what is your software version for the MV2 and MV3 ?
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 07 13:49:21 EDT 2007 | rrozell
I am working on finding out the foot prints of Panasonic MV2V and a GSM2.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 11 11:31:53 EDT 2007 | ratsalad
According to our plant drawings: MV2VB 23' 8" X 6' 11" GSM1 8' 6" X 5' 6" A GSM2 should be the same size as a GSM 1.