Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 15:35:18 EST 2015 | taborheiking
So I'm in Maintenance and I've been getting a lot of component feeder magazines back that have faulty circuit boards etc and I was wondering if there was anyone out there who has made a desk top test fixture for any of the Agilis or TMD Magazines or
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 31 14:18:52 EST 2000 | Garth Fitzner
PS. My e-mail has been operating sporadically of late so if your e-mail to me please try sending it to fitzner@compusmart.ab.ca or please call me toll free at 1-800-617-7384. Garth
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 31 14:09:16 EST 2000 | Garth Fitzner
I am looking for someone who has knowledge on the operation of a Quad 100. I want to bring that person in on a contract basis to train my staff. My facility is located near Edmonton, Alberta so ideally the right person would be in the western Canad
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 09:57:17 EDT 2020 | bobpan
Jeremy, That is a quad 1000. It is a first generation samsung machine with a quad label. I used to train/service them. Contact me if you want some information on it. My contact info is at: www.precision-repairs.com Bob
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 22 14:51:35 EST 1998 | Martin Plourde
I'm looking for a Quadstar 100 with any top vision as well as a glue dispenser. Must have both features or I am not interested. I've located many Quadstars 100 with either features but my customer wants both absolutely Regards, Martin Plourde (514)
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 27 10:30:54 EDT 2006 | russ
Aj, Did you switch from SN100C to the SACX? Russ
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 27 09:25:55 EDT 2006 | aj
How does SN100C perform using Selective Pallets? We switched over to SACX about 5 weeks ago and the results are brilliant. We are getting better results than before believe it or not. Also dross foramtion is a lot less. aj...
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 27 01:41:42 EDT 2006 | grantp
Hi, How come so many good threads get off track because of this Guru fool. To get back on track, we have been running SN100C in our pot for a few weeks now, and it's incredible, and working really well. Glad I listened to the advise of people on th
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 07:27:19 EDT 2006 | amol_kane
thanks Jay,
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 26 10:45:14 EDT 2006 | russ
I contacted you about this stuff, where is the info?