Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 07:51:23 EST 2007 | leemeyer
I have found a screen in the software that appears to be some setup data for the conveyor. I cannot find any information in the manual refering to this screen. If you open "SCREENS" then "DEBUG DATA" then "CONVEYOR" there are some setup parameters. D
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 18:50:01 EST 2023 | markhoch
You might want to look into the Vorne XL Productivity Appliance. You connect it to your line by connecting it to a sensor that will trigger an input. (I used the exit sensor on the pre-reflow conveyor). It's probably the most cost effective productiv
Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 19:29:35 EDT 2005 | jh0n!
Yeah - I can handle most scripting/programming - but I'm completely unfamiliar with this side of these machines. For example, when looking at the Aegis software, they're tracking real-time defects, etc....That's what I'm curious about there - how to
Electronics Forum | Thu May 10 10:16:57 EDT 2018 | kdexter0928
Rob, Thank you so very much! This worked! I greatly appreciate your help. I have been racking my brain for days and to see that nozzle place the part was very exciting haha!
Electronics Forum | Thu May 10 10:25:09 EDT 2018 | robl
Hi Dex, You're welcome, to be fair I have no idea how that info was still in my head from a few days spent helping a customer out in 1996.... Not seen an IP2 since then. Best of luck, Rob.
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 15 17:47:24 EDT 2022 | guyt
Hi, Has anyone had a issue with a MyData my12 dual camera system, were the calibration always shifts up after a few hours of use. It's not the mechanical calibration. it is like the machine loses it's software calibration co-ordinates ?? Any ideas
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 29 01:09:17 EST 2006 | Guess
I would suggest checking the feeder, MVF and MSR are both turret type and dont have the capability auto pik adjust in y. Y offset pick up would lead to : 1. Over turn component. 2. Missing component. Turret sequence is pick, recognize an
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 05:06:48 EST 2018 | premkumar_haribabu
Hi Team, We using one of tanatalum capacitor ( vishay) for many models , in this we facing mis-alignment & throwoff issues after post reflow stage. After my analysis,my suspection is that due to one side part termination design ( square cut) issues
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 21 09:09:50 EDT 2013 | wcheew
I am having solder barrel fill issues on THM component, we follow, we follow IPC 610 E requirement. The barrel fill issues happen on signal & ground pin at connector & E-cap. I found out that most of the insufficient solder happen on the connector ag
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 22:53:16 EDT 2018 | maustin
OK, with my masterful powers of deduction, I have been able to resolve the problem. Upon further investigation, it became apparent that the issue was restricted to those components that had the laser alignment level in the component data set to -0.2