Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 09 11:12:43 EDT 2015 | quaker332007
We have a mydata MY100DX and A Hover-Davis label feeder. I'm have issues picking up the label. The machine will place it fine for a few then stop and refuse to pick up the label. Is anyone using this configuration and if so do you have and points
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 31 14:53:14 EDT 2014 | emeto
Hi, Essemtec and Mydata are big companies in the industry that manufacture machines . Manncorp is a reseller.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 31 13:44:07 EDT 2014 | budro
Does anyone have experience with Manncorp equipment? I’m evaluating equipment to install a mid-level production line, and Manncorp was suggested to me to consider. Other equipment I’m considering are Essemtec and Mydata. Any input would be appreciat
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 01 05:05:06 EDT 2014 | max83
Hi, Very good machine. They has different calibration procedure little bit compared with Topaz Xii. It has linear guides. in the general not so much different from Topaz Xii. Were you from?
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 01 08:35:26 EDT 2014 | mun4o
Thanks. I am from Bulgaria.I am litlle worried that YS24 and YS12 are old models.If I am not mistaken YS24 = MC24 (ASSEMBLEON).But assembleon mc24 no longer produced?
Electronics Forum | Mon May 26 08:23:49 EDT 2014 | mun4o
hi all, we have smd line with 2 Assembleon topaz X.The real speed of the line is about 12- 13k cph.I want to increase this speed.I intend to buy a Assembleon sapphire and change one of topaz with sapphire ( chip shooter).Has anyone of you similar c
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 01 13:46:11 EDT 2014 | max83
Yes, MC-24 and YS-24 are same platform, because Assembleone was selling Yamaha`s machines under name Assembleone till 2012 in the EU, Assembleone was distributor Yamaha in the Europe. Now Assembleon and Yamaha different machines. YS machines not so
Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 22:06:24 EDT 2014 | proy
Hi You might want to join and post this on my Yahoo Assembleon users group, it is new so we only have 6 or so members, but as it grows it will be more and more useful. My 2c worth is that a sapphire might be kind of old and problematic for support
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 06 11:16:20 EDT 2014 | clayton
While I have had very limited experience with mancorp, the experience I have had, has been less than satisfactory. However I do have a great deal of experience with Essemtec. I currently own two complete turnkey smt lines from Essemtec and couldn't
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 29 04:33:52 EDT 2014 | mun4o
Hi all, we have 2 smd line with 2 topaz x|| each.The machines are 10 year old.Now we need more capacity and I am looking for new line.Because there is not space for third line , we must change the p&p with more productive machines.I like Yamaha , an