Electronics Forum: my12 speed out of control (Page 1 of 1)

Parts being blown out of place during reflow

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 24 10:51:04 EDT 2011 | jtownsend

This is a penalized board, 21 up. I tried rotating it 90 degrees and got better results but still had more than have blown out of place. We are looking in to getting the option of speed control for the fans. That is a good suggestion to run on the me

Volume of paste deposited with respect to board thickness

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 01 07:26:55 EDT 2004 | johnwnz

Alistair, your paste deposit is controlled by a few things: Stencil thickness Squeegee pressure Squeegee speed Print gap in 99 out of 100 applications for paste printing you would have a print gap of 0 i.e. on contact printing where the PCB is in fu


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