Electronics Forum: mycronic / mydata (Page 1 of 8)

printing problem on mydata machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 26 11:34:47 EST 2017 | rgduval

If you're lucky, that parameter can be unlocked using the parameters password. If you're unlucky, and it can't be changed using the password, that'll mean it's hardware protected. You'll need a new magic word from Mycronic to update it. Cheers, ..

Assembleon / Ipulse / Mydata... opinions?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 25 17:33:16 EDT 2008 | dyoungquist

I have no experience with Assembleon or Ipulse but we have run an older model Mydata machine for several years now. Mydata has good tech support and their machines work well with a medium to high product mix, i.e. short change over times between job


Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 20:41:07 EST 1998 | Scott McKee

| Does anyone have info on any of these systems (good or bad). We are looking at these 3 types for a new SMT pnp machine. We are low volume high mix. | | Thanks, Dave | I've worked with QuadIVc at Interstate... I then purchased a Mydata at this

Assembleon / Ipulse / Mydata... opinions?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 08:55:20 EDT 2008 | grayman

Hi, I know both Ipulse and Mydata but I have no experience with Philips ass. I pulse is own by Yamaha and most design change to Yamaha but Yamaha retain the capability, so if you are looking for machine capability I would suggest for I pulse, On the

Assembleon / Ipulse / Mydata... opinions?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 09:49:48 EDT 2008 | gabriella

Hi, all of them are good machines. The others talked more about ass and mydata. I-pulse is also a good machine. A friend of mine bought one 6 months and is happy with it. Just not sure about the model. Did you send them a board? You should do that


Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 09:14:02 EST 1998 | Jim McCarten

Mydata and Contact Systems make good machines, but the QSV from Quad has more feeders space, a better smart feeder systems and works much better as an in-line system. Although Mydata and Contact can put their machines in-line, the cost is substantia


Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 29 15:39:30 EST 1998 | Brian D'Amico

| Does anyone have info on any of these systems (good or bad). We are looking at these 3 types for a new SMT pnp machine. We are low volume high mix. | | Thanks, Dave | Dave, I have had the pleasure of working for all three manufacturers; C


Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 08:33:38 EST 1998 | Dave

Does anyone have info on any of these systems (good or bad). We are looking at these 3 types for a new SMT pnp machine. We are low volume high mix. Thanks, Dave


Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 30 14:24:50 EST 1998 | Greg Curler

| Does anyone have info on any of these systems (good or bad). We are looking at these 3 types for a new SMT pnp machine. We are low volume high mix. | | Thanks, Dave | Dave, We bought a new machine this year, and like you, narrowed the field o

Assembleon / Ipulse / Mydata... opinions?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 25 15:14:03 EDT 2008 | dismon

Hi, My company is comparing some P&P machines to make a purchase very soon. We need a real throughput of about 25k cph ( not IPC, but real ). So we have these options for our product: Assembleon AX-301 IPC 50k cph real 28K cph Ipulse M7-2

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