Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 16 12:35:03 EDT 2014 | upguy
We have tpsys 1.5.18 on our TP9-UFP. We are attempting to run "Optical Centering Calibration". Following the instructions in the manual, we have centered the cross hairs on the camera frame, loaded a "base" board then the L-19-447 calibration boar
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 14 12:17:17 EST 2005 | avalancher
You should contact MYDATA service department and see what advise their phone support people can offer. You may not be doing the process correctly (wrong calibration boards, etc...)
Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 12 01:38:47 EDT 2022 | mikevb
I'm having a problem with my Mydata My9 pick and place. Basically whenever I try to run the placement calibration program or try to have the machine find fiducials, or basically anything with precision, the machine displays a X MOT motor timeout erro
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 11:26:15 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf
Then Z MOTOR > Then select>CALIBRATE FORCE SENSOR NOTE: you must have a tool in the head when you do this.(Without the tip/spring pushed in) After this calibration the force should drop to 0 when you push in on the spring loaded tip. 2.) Replace th
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 19 10:27:10 EDT 2013 | rgduval
I believe there is a force calibration menu option in the maintenance menu. From the main screen, choose exit to maintenance to get into the maintenance menus. If you're still having force issues afterwards, you'll want to start hunting for broke
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 30 20:59:04 EDT 2006 | johnwnz
Folks, who uses MYData's?.... In a previous life I was a fuji man and liked them I have to say, they were big n heavy and you could drop them from a plan and they would still work... well till they brought out the QP's but lets not go there. I did ha
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