Electronics Forum: mydata 4.7mm feeders (Page 1 of 36)

used mydata equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 14:56:50 EST 2005 | jimdugan

The Mydata machine is a very good high mix low volume machine. If you buy from Mydata you will be better supported, than if you buy from a broker. I would recommend you buy the newer My series machine. The TP machine was a good machine but the My ma

used mydata equipment

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 11 15:50:51 EST 2005 | Grant

Hi, We are looking at selling the machine in mid April, May time frame. We are selling the machine, all feeders etc. But it's located in Australia, so a bit hard to ship to most locations. If your interested, please email grantpetty@blackmagic-desig

used mydata equipment

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 29 04:59:02 EST 2005 | Grant

Hi, MYDATA's are ok for lower volume, and they are very flexible. If you only have 1 or 2 trays of components and are on a tight budget, then you can even place the trays on the Y wagon behind the PCB so you can get away without the tray wagon. Al

Agilis feeders

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 08:57:26 EST 2004 | pjc

Contact Mydata and they can give you a lengthly list of Agilis users to contact.

Agilis feeders

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 27 10:12:21 EST 2004 | ldavis

Has anyone completed time studies on Mydata's Agilis feeder system? Is the time to load / unload reels any faster than traditional feeders? Any comments regarding the Agilis feeders would be greatly appreciated.

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 13:35:34 EST 2007 | dyoungquist

MyData TP9s Work well in high mix applications because change over time from 1 job to the next can be done in as little as 15 minutes if you have the right mix of magazines/feeders. Component placement rates vary depending on which component you ar

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 12:00:59 EST 2007 | wayne123

A philips Topaz is a good machine, I have accurately placed 0402's without a problem, Fine pitch QFP no problem, BGA's not a problem, I am not familiar with the TP9 so hopefully the other guy can answere questions on that, The Topaz is rated at about

Mydata feeders not compatible

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 23:32:50 EST 2013 | padawanlinuxero

Hello ! I don't know if this helps but here goes, I have here 2 mydatas one a TP9-4 and the other MY12, on the TP9-4 we have TPSys 2.4 and we use a AM8 feeder magazine, when we bought the MY12 it came with TPSys 2.1, thinking we can use the AM8 feede

Mydata feeders not compatible

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 08:37:44 EST 2013 | cyber_wolf

I think your MOT cards have to get upgraded too.

MYDATA TP9-2 feeders

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 09 18:28:41 EST 1997 | Herb Hoefle

We want to hire some feeder bins for a Mydata with a view to buying them around 1st week in April ( yes budgets!!!!!!! engineers vs beancounter time again ) Anyone want to help out a bunch of fun loving manufacturing engineers with some info. please

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