Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 10:20:15 EDT 2020 | unisoft
Yes process engineers that work for contract manufacturers try to get the full CAD or XY rotation files from their clients unfortunately still many of their customers still give them only Gerber files for the PCB project. Unisoft has had a focus on
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 14:56:50 EST 2005 | jimdugan
The Mydata machine is a very good high mix low volume machine. If you buy from Mydata you will be better supported, than if you buy from a broker. I would recommend you buy the newer My series machine. The TP machine was a good machine but the My ma
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 01 12:16:46 EDT 2020 | proceng1
We use CircuitCam extensively, but not for MYDATA. What exactly is the issue you are seeing? Do you have the MYDATA Export module from Aegis?
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 21 15:40:35 EDT 2011 | padawanlinuxero
Hi I had the same problem but with a MY12, and I have to say that we search for it but we did not find something, my guess you can talk to MYDATA to RUSH delivery from sweden o norway somewhere up there.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 15:04:06 EDT 2009 | rgduval
Put the files on a floppy. At the machine, use the import file tool to bring the file in; tell it that you're importing from floppy. The machine will find the appropriate files on the floppy, and import them to the correct directories. cheers ..ro
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 30 06:41:22 EDT 2020 | jameshayliie
Convert CAD Data into a Placement Program Contract Manufacturing Handle to have a fast and easy way to convert your CAD data into a placement program. Recently I purchased some PCBs from Greatpcb and Cplfpc for my college project.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 20:04:00 EDT 2020 | jlawson
> Fabrication Format. With good tools Like Valor MSS PP you can handle the old (legacy flows) and of course better more modern flows all from one learning library solution = more effective first time right outputs
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 31 03:12:38 EDT 2020 | sarason
Try PCBSynergy https://pcbsynergy.com If you really need to work from gerber files and not CAD data, use Visualplace https://www.compuphase.com/visualplace/visualplace_en.htm sarason
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 25 18:34:34 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice
> What about designators? Using gerbers to program > a pnp machine was always a last resort to be done > only after much complaining and begging for > proper CAD data. Back in the day I used UniCAM to > program a mydata. After gett
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 09:59:13 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice
> We unfortunately use GERBER data to digitize <BR> > boards more than any CAD. We are CM and many of <BR> > our customers do not provide CAD. With some <BR> > Legacy products, we still use 274-D Gerbers