Electronics Forum: mydata initialisation (Page 1 of 1)

mydata 19 error

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 13 00:43:06 EST 2014 | brendansales

Centering motor about to fail or has failed. > Centering motor about to fail or has failed. Hey Rdubya, Thanks for your help! Apparently that was not the problem. The Midas head had to be all the way down below the lower locking solenoid. After

Mydata TP11-UFP F-MOT1-38/245

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 24 08:07:06 EDT 2021 | artem

Hello, I have a Mydata TP11-UFP which stopped working. It prints F-MOT1-38/245:MSETDYNX during initialisation. Any idea what could be wrong? I have already replaced the capacitors and the Inrush Current Limiters on the "L-19-588-18" board. Also ins


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