Electronics Forum: mydata jam sensor (Page 1 of 5)

Z force sensor error mydata 11

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 17 18:53:34 EST 2020 | richgreen01

Hi all I am experiencing z force sensor errors on a couple of different nozzles ( not hydra ) any help appreciated.

Z force sensor error mydata 11

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 18 14:37:41 EST 2020 | bk

What type of head do you have on your machine a midas head or a zi-fi head? Regardless of which you do have I would make sure that the head is clean where to tools go into the head. Use a soft swab or something similar so you do not damage the z forc

Force sensor error on MyData My12

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 17:04:28 EST 2023 | cyber_wolf

Disable the hydra head.

Force sensor error on MyData My12

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 17 13:52:59 EST 2023 | tomdegas

How can I bypass the " Hydra force sensor can't calibrate" during the "Hardware Initialization" test. This is stopping me from starting the machine.

Force sensor error on MyData My12

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 28 20:46:49 EST 2023 | padawanlinuxero

I was use to work with the machine but it has being several years since I had one in my hands, but i got the same error message, I kinda remember there are some sensors in the top part of the hydra try to see if theres dirt or something not letting t

Mydata Mount Tools

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 02 12:15:44 EST 2002 | pteerink

Don't waste your money on T&R feeders for large parts. I used to have an old TP9 and we ran tons of products with vibe tubes and odd shaped parts. Used to cut our own tubes for parts and jimmy-rig parts like crazy to make them all fit on the machine


Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 27 16:55:38 EDT 2005 | grantp

Hi, The 8mm versions do change fast, but the 12 and 16mm versions jam all the time, and MYDATA has no fix for it, as apparently no one else is having that problem. Regards, Grant

Heller MK5 13 Zone Conveyor Adjust

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 16 11:12:12 EDT 2021 | shmevan91

Hi, Yes was all working until factory was shut for a week and then when powering back up it would not move, all sensors have been checked and working as they should, everything has been checked to make sure its not jammed/stuck.

Seho FDS 6450 2.7 Help

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 29 13:31:19 EST 2010 | phase1

We aquired this reflow oven some time ago and finally have the need for it. Anyone who knows how to set up this machine and train an individual would be greatly appreciated. We are located in the Rockville Maryland Area. Power is run to the machine,

Surface mount Machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 25 17:08:10 EST 2005 | Grant

Hi, I had one of those machines older MYDATA TP9 machines once, and it should work as well for very low volume applications, although the points you raise are correct. However you should get good accuracy on fine pitch, and we noticed you need to pu

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