Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 09 20:18:31 EDT 2020 | jlawson
Can not speak for CircuitCam is made by Aegis Software I veliveve sound like need to get understanding of how tool is supposed to work to extract-create centroid positions. Using Gerber Only is a pattern match and cacluate logic process - ie make pac
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 20:04:00 EDT 2020 | jlawson
> Fabrication Format. With good tools Like Valor MSS PP you can handle the old (legacy flows) and of course better more modern flows all from one learning library solution = more effective first time right outputs
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 26 13:31:37 EDT 2020 | rgduval
As everyone else said, if you don't have CAD, it's a pain to digitize the gerbers. So much so that we only did it once when I went to CircuitCam training. After you digitize the gerbers, you have to merge the BOM with it. And you have to tell it p
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 25 13:02:54 EDT 2006 | billyd
Thanks all, for the help. Mydata pretty much parroted what was said here. My biggest issue is too many clowns in the circus tent. Thanks again guys.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 24 14:57:42 EDT 2006 | stepheniii
We have Mydata's as well. What I would like to do is have printouts in a binder. But I'm not sure the easiest way to do this and no one has time. This way you could have an offical shape for a given part number. Some parts might need two like those
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 24 10:03:24 EDT 2006 | billyd
All - I'm hoping I can get a little feedback here on my package libraries for my Mydata machines. I have four tied to a server right now, and I have several operators that apparently like to make packages, so I have some called 0805-05-A-MY-9-2 and t
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 25 18:13:16 EDT 2010 | dyoungquist
When we bought our refurbished TP9 from Mydata in 2004 it came with a package library that contained all the common packages at that time. I am surprised that your MY12 did not come with at least that. Have you tried calling Mydata tech support dir
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 16:31:50 EDT 2010 | sai
All of the Mydata machine comes with a standard library package; 0402,0603,0805,1206, soic8 and so on.
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 25 14:15:50 EDT 2010 | duwelt
Hello, we just purchased a My12 machine. We now have to create every single package ourself - a very time consuming work. We asked our Mydata vendor if it is not possible to buy a package library to save time. He said, it is not possible - every comp
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 07:54:44 EDT 2010 | cyber_wolf
It's curious to us that you say creating packages on the Mydata's is time consuming. We have had Mydata's since the mid 90's and have only found this to be the case with odd form components. It will take you more time to search through someone else'