Electronics Forum: mydata manuel programming (Page 1 of 29)


Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 19 15:56:12 EST 2011 | armandogomez

Hi! I have 2 Mydatas in here, I think the 2 passwords are not the ones you are looking for, Might be that the software is looking for something call the Magic Word? if so, you need to contact MYDATA so that they can send you the "Magic Word", you se

mydata program file locations

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 14:30:33 EDT 2009 | KP

I'd like to manually send programs to the machine but I'm not sure where the files are stored.

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 30 06:41:22 EDT 2020 | jameshayliie

Convert CAD Data into a Placement Program Contract Manufacturing Handle to have a fast and easy way to convert your CAD data into a placement program. Recently I purchased some PCBs from Greatpcb and Cplfpc for my college project.

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 25 14:46:08 EDT 2020 | stephendo

What about designators? Using gerbers to program a pnp machine was always a last resort to be done only after much complaining and begging for proper CAD data. Back in the day I used UniCAM to program a mydata. After getting it figured out it was eas

mydata 19 error

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 13 09:52:03 EST 2014 | rgduval

Start by getting into the maintenance menu, and manually installing the Servo program for all MOTs. If they install fine, you can check the Z-motor while you're in the maintenance menus. Make sure that the z-locks are unlocked before checking the

mydata program file locations

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 15:04:06 EDT 2009 | rgduval

Put the files on a floppy. At the machine, use the import file tool to bring the file in; tell it that you're importing from floppy. The machine will find the appropriate files on the floppy, and import them to the correct directories. cheers ..ro

mydata program file locations

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 16:54:43 EDT 2009 | tech1

Or you can FTP them through your server, put them in the /home/tpsys/spool/ directory. the machine will automatically place them in the appropriate directory.

mydata program file locations

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 23 11:29:25 EDT 2009 | KP

Thanks. Placing the .pcb file in the spool dir worked. What about the layout file? I can manually create one and import that through tpsys but I'm wondering if there is an easier way to do that.

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 26 13:31:37 EDT 2020 | rgduval

As everyone else said, if you don't have CAD, it's a pain to digitize the gerbers. So much so that we only did it once when I went to CircuitCam training. After you digitize the gerbers, you have to merge the BOM with it. And you have to tell it p

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 09 20:18:31 EDT 2020 | jlawson

Can not speak for CircuitCam is made by Aegis Software I veliveve sound like need to get understanding of how tool is supposed to work to extract-create centroid positions. Using Gerber Only is a pattern match and cacluate logic process - ie make pac

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