Electronics Forum: mydata my label communication problem (Page 1 of 1)

MyData A12 tool tip damage

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 08 12:54:28 EDT 2012 | fredc

The original post was back in 2007. My most recent communication with Peter was last year and he was still having the problem 4 years later. Since it is temperature related, I am suspecting the card in question got partially cooked once and is now al

Re: SMT Pick and Place

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 06 15:39:53 EDT 1998 | andy jones

I am the UK sales manager for Europlacer and therefore biased. However our Europlacer range would be perfectly suited to your application. We supply as standard intelligent feeders so barcoding etc is no problem. please contact me on my e-mail addre

Lead free component VS vision on Mydata MY12

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 07:31:41 EST 2005 | smtspecialist

The part I'm having problem with is a simple 0805 resistor 0R the inspection is done optical not mechanical and 75% of the rejects rate has the message: one or too many bad leads found. and the other 25% the messages will give a Background or Contras


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