Electronics Forum: mydata my-12 computer (Page 1 of 16)

mydata spare electronics

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 21 15:40:35 EDT 2011 | padawanlinuxero

Hi I had the same problem but with a MY12, and I have to say that we search for it but we did not find something, my guess you can talk to MYDATA to RUSH delivery from sweden o norway somewhere up there.

MY12 F-MOT-MSETDYN x/12: Position Counter Dead

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 05 09:33:32 EDT 2014 | cflames17

It could very well be the Safety Relay located inside the ELMO PSU (Bottom left in computer cabinet). I just had the same problems on 2 MY9's within 2 months apart. the Part cost around $700.00 from Mydata (Now Mycronic). These fail commonly with old

Mydata Pick & Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 05 13:17:58 EDT 2005 | wen

I have a access to Mydata MY12,2004 vintage, are you interesting?

Mydata MY12 Hydra Theta error

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 28 14:05:02 EST 2011 | cyber_wolf

Negative on the spares. Mydata wants the other head for core....


Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 05 05:14:32 EDT 2019 | chafik

Hi guys, does anybody can help me out to activate the electrical test on my machine "mydata my12", i don't have this option, but i heard that there is a trick to activate this option. Thank you

Mydata My12 package creation

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 25 18:13:16 EDT 2010 | dyoungquist

When we bought our refurbished TP9 from Mydata in 2004 it came with a package library that contained all the common packages at that time. I am surprised that your MY12 did not come with at least that. Have you tried calling Mydata tech support dir

MyData file format

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 24 18:44:13 EST 2004 | Ed

I am a contractor for a company that owns a My12. They want me to write a program that converts the CAD data to MyData file format. Can somebody please help me with the MyData file format(s)?

Samsung SM320 vs Mydata MY12E

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 26 13:51:35 EDT 2007 | grantp

Hi, Yeah, this is why we moved from MYDATA, as we could not get accurate 0402, as it seemed the vision system was not good enough. They might have upgraded this since then, but I would not recommend MYDATA for 0402 or below. Grant

Lead free component VS vision on Mydata MY12

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 09 08:39:59 EST 2005 | smtspecialist

Thanks Avalancher. I had no clue about the fact that Mydata could analyze part for me. Since I'm in montreal it's hard and expensive to get a Mydata guy up here but sending the parts down there would be an great inexpensive solution. I've been over t

Mydata My12 package creation

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 07:54:44 EDT 2010 | cyber_wolf

It's curious to us that you say creating packages on the Mydata's is time consuming. We have had Mydata's since the mid 90's and have only found this to be the case with odd form components. It will take you more time to search through someone else'

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