Electronics Forum: mydata my12 x camera fail (Page 1 of 1)

mydata disable a bad Hydra setup to continue running

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 21 12:28:11 EST 2021 | vtdivtecs

hey all, I had a comically bad failure yesterday while working with my pick and place, a part got dropped at exactly the wrong moment and flung a bracket up into the tool path, severely damaging the hydra controlboard that is next to the x camera. T

Mydata (MY12) error-Frame Grab and Light Curtain

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 22 16:39:10 EDT 2009 | rmitchell

Hi, We are getting a E-Hydra-1 Frame grabbing failed on caps and resistors and also a Light Curtain trigger X wagon. I spoke with mydata and they indicated the light curtain might be getting set off and causing the frame grabbing failure. I cleane

Mydata Hydra tool reference mark error

Electronics Forum | Mon May 06 19:21:39 EDT 2013 | amelby

We had that problem on our M12. There were a few > components that had gotten dropped into the > camera area as the hydra head past over it. Our > MY12 has a knob towards the front of the machine > in direct line with the camera. Pulling this

MY12 F-MOT-MSETDYN x/12: Position Counter Dead

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 05 09:33:32 EDT 2014 | cflames17

It could very well be the Safety Relay located inside the ELMO PSU (Bottom left in computer cabinet). I just had the same problems on 2 MY9's within 2 months apart. the Part cost around $700.00 from Mydata (Now Mycronic). These fail commonly with old

Mydata Users

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 14:06:46 EDT 2006 | mdm4ua

Hi JEM, We just made the very same upgrade you are looking to make on three machines. We purchased a new MY12 and upgraded our other three (My9 W/hydra, My9 No Hydra, and TP9-2U) from 2.2.4C to 2.4.4c. There are several changes and most of the

Mydata A12 tool tip damage

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 20 08:11:38 EDT 2007 | allgood

Well yesterday was uncharacteristically warm for a British summer! I always have the panel off the end of the machine at all times and certainly used to have a large desk fan blowing into it - for some reason I stopped. I had a run of strikes yeste


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