Electronics Forum: mydata not picking small parts (Page 1 of 3)

MyData DPak not placing

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 13:34:28 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils

Usually the reason it will fail a part like that when you are using mechanical centering is because the part is usually picked so off center because of the body shape. So when the centering jaws close to push the part to center they give up and fail

MyData DPak not placing

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 26 11:20:33 EDT 2013 | gnus

Hi all, I'm having issues placing 7 pin DPak packages. I'm using mechanical centering with four centering phases (one for each orientation). Tool used is A24S. Machine picks up the part but will reject it when centering the part. I have measured all

Mydata TP-11 Small X not working

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 21 12:48:13 EDT 2009 | bk

ok you verified that the motor was bad. So now i would go back and verify that your voltages are still good on the back of the computer box and on the booster board. If they all check out fine. I would take the mot x board from your working machine a

MyData TM8FC magazines

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 14 15:32:16 EDT 2006 | pms

We have recently started building assemblies containing 0402 components (argggg!!). Were using the TM8FC magazines and are seeing alot of miss-picks on the 0402 components. When the feeder advances the part, the part can; jump out of the tape, or tur

Need a new Pick/Place. Recommendations?

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 27 16:39:31 EDT 2007 | dyoungquist

We replaced a manncorp machine with a MyData about 3 years ago and have been very satisfied. A Mydata machine should meet all of your requirements with the possible excpetion of the odd form parts but I am not sure any machine does those well. The

Programming Mydata

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 19:15:13 EDT 2009 | edmentzer

Have you used the EXCEL MACRO that MYDATA used to give out at no cost? We have been using the MACRO for 9 years and it is very good. Contact me if you are interested in the EXCEL MACRO. I can usualy edit the pick and place data with macro for a bo

First time Pick and Place Machine

Electronics Forum | Mon May 22 12:44:11 EDT 2017 | emeto

I always would like to go with new equipment compared to used. You will get free technical support with the deal for 2-3 years including parts, repairs, proper training..... If speed and quantity are not the key, there are dozen of small machines out

SMT Pick and Place

Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 10:57:10 EDT 1998 | John

Our company is currently looking to implement a SMT production line. What I am looking for is feedback on people's experiences with various machines. Here's what we are in the market for: Low/Mid volume 3,000+cph machine that can handle high job fle

Re: SMT Pick and Place

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 07 01:35:22 EDT 1998 | Franco Dav�

| Our company is currently looking to implement a SMT production line. What I am looking for is feedback on people's experiences with various machines. | Here's what we are in the market for: | Low/Mid volume 3,000+cph machine that can handle high j

MY 19 Issues?

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 07 09:43:09 EST 2009 | kpm135

Just to throw my two cents in the MY19 could be slower than the other my machines due to the greater distance the head has to travel to pick up and place the components.The longer distance could also account for extra wear and tear on the motors and

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