Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 26 13:31:37 EDT 2020 | rgduval
As everyone else said, if you don't have CAD, it's a pain to digitize the gerbers. So much so that we only did it once when I went to CircuitCam training. After you digitize the gerbers, you have to merge the BOM with it. And you have to tell it p
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 24 23:44:17 EDT 2020 | kghadiya
I am having trouble programming circuitcam for mydata (my9) pnp machine. My question is, when i digitalize the gerber file what should i take care to get required output for my9? In my9 i cant see exact positions of all the components. I have assign
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 09 20:18:31 EDT 2020 | jlawson
Can not speak for CircuitCam is made by Aegis Software I veliveve sound like need to get understanding of how tool is supposed to work to extract-create centroid positions. Using Gerber Only is a pattern match and cacluate logic process - ie make pac
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 07:52:15 EDT 2017 | dgaddisatprimepower
Or if anyone has found specific tricks with QFN packages that may have a similar answer for DFN parts.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 13:47:11 EDT 2017 | bk
There is no reason why your machine shouldn't be able to place that part. What error or errors are you getting when the machine tries to place that 8-dfn package?
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 14:31:42 EDT 2017 | rgduval
Create a package, set the mechanical centering to the dimensions of the 8-DFN that you're trying to place, test the centering. Tweak the dimension that's failing. Shouldn't be too much of a problem. An 8-DFN package is nothing more than a rectangu
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 13:31:14 EDT 2017 | cyber_wolf
I am not sure why you would have an issue placing a DFN with your TP-9. Is the machine throwing it away or mis-placing ? Throwing the part away could have several reasons and so could mis-placement.
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 01 16:44:41 EDT 2017 | dgaddisatprimepower
I've been struggling trying to get our TP9 machine to place 8-dfn package parts. One of our primary assembly contracts uses a SOIC8 but the pad design accommodates an alternate 8-DFN part and sometimes we have to go to our alternate part due to lead
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 15:22:37 EDT 2017 | dgaddisatprimepower
Thanks for the replies. I ended up finding the issue this morning while digging through the operators manaual trying to back track any issues in the package. We ended up finding that somewhere along the way either, however unlikely, the body size had
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 09 03:53:45 EDT 2015 | sssvajunas
I am searching information about mydata package programing (generic), maybe someone can help?