Electronics Forum: mydata tex tray tower (Page 1 of 1)

Mydata's handling matrix trays ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 01:30:07 EDT 2005 | Marv

The Tray wagon on a Mydata can be any table width you desire, a one bay holds two trays, a two bay holds five, and a three bay holds seven. The tray wagon can be removed in about a minute flat. the TEX actually only requires two slot positions to h

Mydata Smart Tray Exchanger

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 13 11:59:09 EDT 1998 | Joe Herz

Greetings, Has anyone purchased Mydata's new "Smart Tray Exchanger"? I'm specifically looking for users who retrofitted this item to an existing machine that was vision capable. This is the box that has a dual tray tower on the front side of the ma

SMT Placement Machine Advice

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 21:21:54 EST 2011 | thatguy

I have 7yrs experience with JUKI's and I liked 2000 series(2050,2060) dont get caught up in the 730 or 760 these machines are obsolete or at least on there way and spare parts are hard to come buy. The 2060 is the chip shooter. I like the user friend


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