Electronics Forum: mydata tm12. (Page 1 of 1)

TM12 Feeder problem for MYDATA TP9-UPF

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 04 09:23:25 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero

These was one manual they send me to check on not much but is ok

TM12 Feeder problem for MYDATA TP9-UPF

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 27 09:37:15 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf

There are pem nuts on the back side of the teddy bear face. One of them probably fell off and either shorted your main board or it is lodged in the belt and pulley that drives the advancing wheels. Take the front part of the feeder off that has the t

TM12 Feeder problem for MYDATA TP9-UPF

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 01:04:20 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero

Guys I need help!!! Today I was cleaning the TM12 feeder and by accident I took out a screw that is on the side in a place that looks... well it looks like a teddy bear, I heard something falling inside of the feeder and now the screw does not thigh


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