Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 09 20:18:31 EDT 2020 | jlawson
Can not speak for CircuitCam is made by Aegis Software I veliveve sound like need to get understanding of how tool is supposed to work to extract-create centroid positions. Using Gerber Only is a pattern match and cacluate logic process - ie make pac
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 10:53:43 EST 2006 | FredC
I do not rebuild Mydata at present but would like to get started. We rebuild many others and do a good job with them. If you or one of the others using the forum would like to work with me on this please get in touch at nozzlesupply.com.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 10:55:12 EST 2005 | OverTheHill
WOW Sr.Tech, 40K worth of bent tools? I'm about ready to be sh*t canned because of 1K's worth. As for trimming the mags, the product is running fine (many boards) and then out of nowhere the tool bends, so I assume my PERFECT operators trimmed the ma
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 09:24:53 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf
Well...here is what I can tell you: I have over $40K worth of bent A12,A13,A14 tools.Yes you heard me right $40K worth. (Since 1995) Mydata used to make a repair kit to fix them but decided to quit. They tell me the reason they quit making the kit i
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 15:04:06 EDT 2009 | rgduval
Put the files on a floppy. At the machine, use the import file tool to bring the file in; tell it that you're importing from floppy. The machine will find the appropriate files on the floppy, and import them to the correct directories. cheers ..ro
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 20:04:00 EDT 2020 | jlawson
> Fabrication Format. With good tools Like Valor MSS PP you can handle the old (legacy flows) and of course better more modern flows all from one learning library solution = more effective first time right outputs
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 14:27:07 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf
First of all, whom are you getting it from ? Mydata, or a used equipment broker. If you can tell me what machine type you are looking at, then I can tell you what to look for. (MY-series, or TP series) Most important things right off the bat: *Machi
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 25 18:34:34 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice
> What about designators? Using gerbers to program > a pnp machine was always a last resort to be done > only after much complaining and begging for > proper CAD data. Back in the day I used UniCAM to > program a mydata. After gett
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 09:59:13 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice
> We unfortunately use GERBER data to digitize <BR> > boards more than any CAD. We are CM and many of <BR> > our customers do not provide CAD. With some <BR> > Legacy products, we still use 274-D Gerbers
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 11:33:36 EST 2005 | OverTheHill
It's been about 1 month since replacing the above parts, and no tool damage so far.