Electronics Forum: mydata tp11-ufp not picking components up (Page 1 of 6)

Philips Topaz not picking up nozzle

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 09 04:49:12 EDT 2015 | vinitverma

Is the machine not picking up nozzle from the nozzle changer or is the head 7 not picking up any components? Or is the mis-pick rate too high?

Quad 4c not placing components

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 07:14:16 EDT 2019 | smrsteve

Hello Bobpan, Thanks for the suggestions. Sorry I didn't reply yesterday as I'd gone home - I'm in the UK, so I'm guessing there's a time difference. Okay, I found the control to turn off the vacuum verify - it's SHIFT - SWITCH/VERIFY. Makes no di

Quad 4c not placing components

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 04 09:47:41 EDT 2019 | smrsteve

Hello All, I've just bought a Quad 4c pick & place machine. It's so close to actually building boards, but just doesn't quite get there. I was wondering if there's somebody out there with experience of these machines that might be able to help...?

used mydata equipment

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 29 04:59:02 EST 2005 | Grant

Hi, MYDATA's are ok for lower volume, and they are very flexible. If you only have 1 or 2 trays of components and are on a tight budget, then you can even place the trays on the Y wagon behind the PCB so you can get away without the tray wagon. Al

Tape not pulling back on components causes machine to stop

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 20 12:59:10 EDT 2013 | kmots15

We had this issue with a few parts on our universal 8mm feeders. The set up was correct all mechanisms were working, even tried a new feeder. The spring in between the take up wheel and pick point just wasnt cutting it since the adheasion was too m

MyData DPak not placing

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 11:58:50 EDT 2013 | gnus

Seems to pick up and place fine now. No idea why, didn't change a thing. Thanks for the advice everyone!

MyData DPak not placing

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 13:34:28 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils

Usually the reason it will fail a part like that when you are using mechanical centering is because the part is usually picked so off center because of the body shape. So when the centering jaws close to push the part to center they give up and fail

MyData DPak not placing

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 26 11:20:33 EDT 2013 | gnus

Hi all, I'm having issues placing 7 pin DPak packages. I'm using mechanical centering with four centering phases (one for each orientation). Tool used is A24S. Machine picks up the part but will reject it when centering the part. I have measured all

Juki Parallel pickup not working

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 02 13:58:23 EDT 2022 | jojoled

Hi Thomas, Seems your machines do what I am looking for. Slight time delay between 2picks is OK,( because the software is not made in multithread way), that is OK.....I just want to have 1x definition of the component in placement data and Component

BGA not level when placed

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 08:14:04 EST 2008 | adetuc

Hi ... We use DRS24C Air-Vac machines for placing BGA devices, and have been having problems with shorts on corners of one device in particular, its a PBGA and its size is 4.5cm square and 15grams weight. When the component is picked up and the com

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