Electronics Forum: mydata vmf 30 (Page 1 of 16)

mydata program file locations

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 14:30:33 EDT 2009 | KP

I'd like to manually send programs to the machine but I'm not sure where the files are stored.

mydata spare electronics

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 09:23:30 EDT 2012 | sarason

If you are in Australia . Send it to Data Instrumentation. contactable on 03 9317 5300 for all your Industrial repair needs. regards sarason

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 30 06:41:22 EDT 2020 | jameshayliie

Convert CAD Data into a Placement Program Contract Manufacturing Handle to have a fast and easy way to convert your CAD data into a placement program. Recently I purchased some PCBs from Greatpcb and Cplfpc for my college project.

mydata electrical test results

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 09 23:58:59 EDT 2021 | SMTA-64387687

The electrical test, on those older machines, wasn't very exact. Try to expand the tolerances, 25-30% for caps and 10% for resistors, and see if that solves your problem. Also, if I remember correctly, if you go into the layout and single-place the c

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 10:20:15 EDT 2020 | unisoft

Yes process engineers that work for contract manufacturers try to get the full CAD or XY rotation files from their clients unfortunately still many of their customers still give them only Gerber files for the PCB project. Unisoft has had a focus on

mydata electrical test results

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 08 22:30:05 EDT 2021 | vtdivtecs

So I am having a little trouble with my mydata MY19. its an older machine picked up used and its had its quirks. recently we tried to start adding electrical verification to our workflow, and had to disable it as we were getting intermittent bad pa

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 15 18:37:15 EDT 2020 | unisoft

The point here is if you can't get the full CAD files or the XY rotation files and all you get his Gerbers and a BOM. Most all contract manufacturers and some OEM's at some time or another have to deal with Gerber only files. If you find yourself i

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | cyber_wolf |

Mon Nov 19 13:35:30 EST 2007

printing problem on mydata machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 30 03:04:35 EST 2017 | .net

exit TPSys and type setPrinter

mydata tp9 vs philips topaz

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 30 00:14:36 EST 2007 | vinitverma

ET, With due regards to your '7 years experience', I must say that in my 11 years experience, this is the first time I am hearing about head replacement on a Topaz. On the Eclipse it is easy for an operator to make a mistake by moving the head manua

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