Electronics Forum: mydata x-wagon camera (Page 1 of 11)

used mydata equipment

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 29 04:59:02 EST 2005 | Grant

Hi, MYDATA's are ok for lower volume, and they are very flexible. If you only have 1 or 2 trays of components and are on a tight budget, then you can even place the trays on the Y wagon behind the PCB so you can get away without the tray wagon. Al

mydata 19 error

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 19 09:52:45 EST 2014 | brendansales

Dear Rob, Got to the maintenance menu, under the Motor section, I selected Z motor and tried to initiate motor, there was no movement on the machine and I had the error message as below: F-MOT-MSETDYN Z/12: Position counter dead I suspect that ser

used mydata equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 14:27:07 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf

First of all, whom are you getting it from ? Mydata, or a used equipment broker. If you can tell me what machine type you are looking at, then I can tell you what to look for. (MY-series, or TP series) Most important things right off the bat: *Machi

mydata disable a bad Hydra setup to continue running

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 21 12:28:11 EST 2021 | vtdivtecs

hey all, I had a comically bad failure yesterday while working with my pick and place, a part got dropped at exactly the wrong moment and flung a bracket up into the tool path, severely damaging the hydra controlboard that is next to the x camera. T

How do I calibrate the Position camera on the x wagon

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 14 13:20:13 EDT 2020 | tomdegas

I have a MY12 running TPS 2.8.1 and I need to know how to calibrate the X wagon Visin system. The machine is off in the Y direction after I removed and replaced the camera.

Mydaya Camera issue

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 26 10:17:04 EST 2005 | BillyD

All: I'm having a rough time with one of my Mydata cameras. Specifically, the X-wagon camera. I've got no video from it, no light from it, etc. I've checked all the connections, all seems fine, but it does not work. Does anyone know where there

Mydata software

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 04 16:17:27 EDT 2017 | bk

Does your my9 have any cameras aside from the x wagon camera and hydra camera? I believe you need a camera aside from these 2 such as a line scan camera to be able to use the auto teach option.

Mydata Software Related Procedures Manual

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 15 17:02:06 EDT 2020 | tomdegas

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the Mydata Software Related Procedures Manual? I am running Tps 2.8.1 and I need the procedure for calibrating the x-wagon camera (PVS).

Need help on Mydata TP9-2U

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 15 08:17:05 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf

What are you trying to calibrate? I think you mis-typed...there is no W-wagon. I think you meant X-wagon camera. I have never seen one of these go out of cal. Why do you think it needs calibrated ?

Mydata Line Scan

Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 12:24:26 EDT 2004 | cyber_wolf

We have an older line scan camera on our MY series machine.(The one that uses the X wagon trigger/encoder to turn on the line scan)When I go into the service program and turn the line scan camera to "camera action on" the LED's will only stay lit for

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