Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 25 00:43:22 EST 2002 | alex_kirichenko
My regards to everyone. I have to agree with previous message. I've written macro in excel to modify protel pik file to whatever form I need (and I need PCB file for MYDATA) Takes about 5-10min to come up with workable program. the only problem tha
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 14 14:32:41 EDT 2006 | jkeller
We are using the front end of a MI generator software package (unidoc) to convert gerber to create centroid files to be used on a Mydata9 pick & place and an Orbitech AOI machine. What is everyone else using? We only are interested in the conversi
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 12:07:10 EDT 2020 | griinder
Does anyone have a suggested software for exporting Gerber layers from ODB++ file packages? I have the Valor Free ODB viewer, and love all the information embedded in it. Unfortunately I am not able to work with any of the layers. Circuitcam imports
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 10 07:00:40 EDT 2017 | spoiltforchoice
Actually it is, open it with a nice safe text editor and in amongst all the binary crap it cannot read are a few clues. This file was created with a free PCB layout tool called PCB Artist that is given away by Advanced Circuits http://www.4pcb.com/,
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 26 12:04:16 EDT 2018 | wendymm
RS-274X file contains the complete description of a PCB layer image without requiring any external files. It has all the imaging operators needed for a PCB image. Any aperture shape can be defined as well as positive and negative objects. Maybe that
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 03 15:55:05 EST 2002 | dpaluck
I have some files from the 1980's that I need to convert to Gerber. Some contain ASCII and some don't. There is a reference to Personal CAD Systems, Inc., PC-CAPS and PC-CARDS. Can anyone convert this or tell me if software is available to do it?
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 07 01:21:44 EST 2013 | alamgir
Thanks a lot for detailed information. I will check whether I could get required boards and gerber files from them. I have the BenchMarker II board, I only need top layer (stencil) gerber file for the purpose of verifying repeatability of SPI machin
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 06 22:22:16 EDT 2019 | slthomas
You can't export the gerber files from Eagle?
Electronics Forum | Tue May 21 21:59:23 EDT 2019 | bakre
Hello i am new her in this forum , and i need 132-Pin DQFN foot print do any one have this Gerber file because i need to do a stencil for this ic . thanks a lot
Electronics Forum | Wed May 22 02:03:36 EDT 2019 | bukas
what software are you using? do you need a gerber or component library file? what is the component?