Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 24 12:01:36 EST 2014 | emeto
Hi, I think that the jet printer is going to work for your process - the key with this device is to maintain it really good so you don't get any clogs. These are very fast devices.
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 30 20:23:34 EST 2014 | jeff701
What does "maintain it really good" entail? For reference, this is our maintenance procedure for the FX-D: - At the end of an 8hr shift, the solder paste path is purged start-to-finish using Nordson's ValvePurge. The machine's then powered down and
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 23 09:13:12 EST 2014 | jeff701
I'm in a manufacturing environment with a very high mix of boards, and some low-mid volume. A "large" production run might consist of 100 boards. Volume: There are numerous boards that have a volume of 1-3 pieces. There are a few boards with an annua
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 00:45:41 EDT 2005 | pavel_murtishev
Good morning, I can recommend to use solder paste softeners, which can prepare solder paste for printing process. Softeners rise paste temperature by means of pseudo-planetary motion. Therefore, solder paste reaches room temperature during only 15
Electronics Forum | Tue May 22 20:27:34 EDT 2007 | davef
What are the area and aspect ratio of the apertures that clog? When you print, you should be able to fit at least 4 of the mean sized solder sphere across the width or diameter of your smallest apertures.
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 19 09:26:19 EST 2005 | davef
Your customer asks a reasonable question. How do you know that your: * Paste has not dried? * Stencil aperatures have not become clogged? * On and on ... Some agrue that printing is the most critical process and that it drives all down-stream failu
Electronics Forum | Tue May 22 11:03:11 EDT 2007 | Michelle
We now have an AOI in our process after printing and have noticed that all the small aperatures are getting clogged by solder paste. Mainly on all fine pitch parts. We are using Kester ws R562 SN63/PB37 mesh -325+500 90% metal. It was manufactu
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 02 05:14:07 EST 2005 | ABHI
Guys, Solder paste height worries all of us as we encounter the non wets after reflow. More so in fine pitch QFP's. The non wets are not always caused by solder paste height. Many other contributors. Even the pad geometry on te board can contribute t
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 21 02:02:54 EST 2005 | JSS
First of all THANKS for thr reply. I totally agree with u that paste dried,stencil aperture clogged like probs comes during the production but we hv a visual inspection stage (with 5X illuminated lamp)after printing process and before inserting the
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 31 07:56:31 EST 2005 | cn
I agree with chuck, but would like to add. 2D is a great option and helps to keep your printing process in check, it will measure the x & y coverage on the pad. It will help you determin when your stencil aps become clogged or when the bottom of your