Electronics Forum: nickel and silver and solderability (Page 1 of 4)

RoHS solders and silver termination inks

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 30 09:24:08 EDT 2005 | Slaine

we manufacture a range of ceramic parts that have silver termination,there is already a small leaching problem (absorption of the termination by the solder in liquid form)with Sn62 that we live with, having to implement unleaded solder they are norma

RoHS solders and silver termination inks

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 30 12:49:59 EDT 2005 | Ted

Slaine, We use a Pd/Ag thickfilm paste. Because of the leaching we had to start using solder pastes that have silver in it. For RoHS, we are using a solder paste with an alloy of Sn95/Ag05. We also have to double print the thickfilm pastes. I h

Imm Silver and Voiding

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 17:47:05 EDT 2006 | davef

First, we expect voiding in imm silver to be similar to ENIG. We expect more voiding in OSP than other common solderability protection. Second, choosing a solder paste, which does not contain resins and activators that decompose at higher temperatu

Imm Silver and Voiding

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 28 16:16:09 EDT 2006 | Gman

Good article. Would EDX analysis of the cross-section at the void joints be a good method to determine any plating contamination or solder mask issues?

solder paste ingredients and their effects

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 09 02:30:50 EST 2007 | Muhammad Haris

What are Resins, Solvents, Activators, and Thickening Agents in Solder Paste and what are their helpful and harmful effects? AND What are the purposes/properties and effects of Sn(Tin), Pb(Lead), Ag(Silver), Bi(Bismuth), In(Indium), Cu(Copper), Ni(

Dye and Pry

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 14 11:25:02 EDT 2008 | hegemon

ol' hege has got to agree with Chunks and Dave. Seems every time there is a problem, the finger is first pointed at the process. For my $.02 it doesn't matter if your process is 100% bulletproof, procurement will screw it up by finding a vendor that

Imm Silver and Voiding

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 23 10:10:15 EDT 2006 | Gman

Some amount of voiding was always seen on sites where solder paste is printed. These voids are much smaller. However the site where a flip chip is flux dipped has never had problems with voiding. Macro voids (and huge ones at that)across the board s

LGA and Solderballs

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 28 21:16:17 EST 2006 | davef

J Rose at EMPF says: The introduction of no-clean solder fluxes in electronics manufacturing has given rise to greater levels of solder balling simply because the opportunity to remove them in the wash process does not exist. They are typically cause

When? How and What??

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 10:06:53 EDT 2000 | George English

Has there been a definite date for the total move over to lead free? Will it be 2004 or 2008. Also is there a direct replacement for leaded solder, I have read various articles on numerous alloys suggested for the switch, such as bismuth, tin, copper

Re: BGA and Gold Boards

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 19 13:40:25 EDT 1998 | Terry Burnette

| Has anyone had experience with placing BGA on gold plated boards. I thought I read a while ago there was a problem with embrittlment causing cracked joints. If anyone has experience with this your feedback would be great. | Mike There has been a

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