Electronics Forum: no alarm (Page 1 of 1)

Re: no clean rework

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 15:52:21 EDT 1999 | DENNIS FOWLER

| | | Gian | | | | | | You alarm me when you talk of white residues in a "no-clean" process. This should not happen. It sounds like you have compatibility problems between different residues and/or a poorly polymerised solder mask. | | | | | | Ther

Re: no clean rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 07:47:12 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | | hello to everybody, | | | we have a really satisfactory no clean process, both smt/reflow and wave soldering, but we get troubles with defects rework; | | | does anybody know how to eliminate flux residues or how not to produce them during rew

Re: no clean rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 20:22:15 EDT 1999 | Wayne Sanita

Hello, Could be that touchup operators are using too much flux. What are you dispensing flux with. Disposable or refillable flux pens are good to have around. | | | | hello to everybody, | | | | we have a really satisfactory no clean proc

Re: no clean rework

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 09:02:08 EDT 1999 | Gian.D

| Hello, | | Could be that touchup operators are using too much flux. What are you dispensing flux with. Disposable or refillable flux pens are good to have around. | |Good! could you suggest some suppliers name or address or web site or e.mail...


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