Electronics Forum: no fit (Page 1 of 1)

Re: no tru-hole on wave

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 30 09:56:37 EDT 2000 | NLykus

Hi Ramon, We have had this problem before on our Seho Wave Solder Machine. We are currently using a spray fluxer as well. By imersing the PCB into the flux you stated you are getting good results. What you need to do is check your spray patter

A.O.I - no salesman pitch pls

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 16 18:08:11 EDT 2003 | mgershenson

OK, disclaimer; I'm a salesguy, but I was a process engineer for quite a lot longer than I've been in sales. Your question is very vague, and may be difficult to answer. There are many ways to configure AOI to inspect solder, but as has been pointed

Re: RF applications..aqueos vs. no clean..HELP!!!!

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 24 12:34:33 EST 1999 | Scott McKee

| Hi, | I have a customer who's electronic assemblies produce RF. He is insisting upon aqueuos cleaning. We switched to a no clean solder years ago and no longer have an aqueous system. | Is aqueous cleaning necessary to eliminate 'cross talk' of

Re: RF applications..aqueos vs. no clean..HELP!!!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 25 19:29:07 EST 1999 | Graham Naisbitt

| | Hi, | | I have a customer who's electronic assemblies produce RF. He is insisting upon aqueuos cleaning. We switched to a no clean solder years ago and no longer have an aqueous system. | | Is aqueous cleaning necessary to eliminate 'cross ta

Re: RF applications..aqueos vs. no clean..HELP!!!!

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 19:31:29 EST 1999 | Scott McKee

| | | Hi, | | | I have a customer who's electronic assemblies produce RF. He is insisting upon aqueuos cleaning. We switched to a no clean solder years ago and no longer have an aqueous system. | | | Is aqueous cleaning necessary to eliminate 'cr

Universal Genesis 11s nozzle collision even when no nozzle in sp

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 20 13:53:13 EST 2023 | carl_p

I would ensure a nozzle is fitted to spindle 1, UIC genesis, Fuzion etc can be a bit funny with this. If that checks out ok, I would be ensuring nothing is obstructing the Z travel. Next would be to ensure the Z motor is at home & again this is wor


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