Electronics Forum: no-clean flux (Page 1 of 79)

no-clean flux removal

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 20 08:19:47 EST 2005 | davef

esoderberg: So, why do you want to clean your no-clean flux residues?

flux residue problem

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 27 23:10:19 EDT 2009 | hallwayit

Hi, Walter, Why don't you try no-clean flux? We ever met the same condition, later, we changed to no-clean flux solved the problem.

Switching from full-rosin/RMA flux to no-clean flux

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 25 21:45:22 EDT 2024 | buckeye

I got an inquiry from one of our electronics labs with regards to their soldering processes. They use eutectic (63% Sn, 37% Pb) solder. For liquid flux they are currently using Kester 186, which is an old-school, full rosin (RMA and ROL1) flux that c

Reduce flux

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 15:28:10 EST 2007 | CK the Flip

If you are, in fact, running a No-Clean solder paste: Different no-clean solder pastes will leave different types of (benign) residues. If your paste has been qualified from a Bellcore/SIR/Electromigration standpoint, any residues remaining will NO

Re: flux compositions

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 16:43:57 EDT 2000 | David Snyder

Hello Dr. Lee, Will no-clean fluxes be more of a challenge to develop?

no-clean flux vs. impedance

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 08:49:34 EST 2008 | rgduval

Get the ionic specs from your flux manufacturer, and show it to the designer. No-clean flux/solder is supposed to be low to minimal in ionic contamination, which allow the whole no-clean thing. If he needs further proof, you can have the board io

no-clean flux vs. impedance

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 20 12:22:39 EST 2008 | shrek

KRIKIES, a designer insisting on cleaning no-clean residues! the BLAME-THE-PROCESS bandwagon travels everywhere, me lad!

no-clean flux vs. impedance

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 15:20:43 EST 2008 | kennyg

A PCBA contains a couple of parts that are not sealed and can't be water washed. We hand solder these with no-clean after everything else is water washed. The designer says the no-clean residue must be completely removed so that it will not affect

Solder and flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 23 08:40:20 EDT 2002 | davef

Yer not making this easy. What kind of flux? If no-clean flux, what controls are you using to assure you are: * Applying the correct amount of flux? * Properly activating the flux? If water washable flux, talk to us about your cleaning methods and

no-clean flux vs. impedance

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 17:36:32 EST 2008 | kennyg

I should have mentioned... the only flux we use for the hand soldering is wire-core, no bottle flux. I think it should be a non-issue to leave the activated wire core flux residue. I'm just looking for some way to prove it to the designer.

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