Electronics Forum: nonleaded wave soldering machines in minnesota (Page 1 of 8)

Socket in wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 28 20:05:54 EST 2010 | aungthura

Dear all There are alot sockets in our products,BIB.These skts are lifted abit after being solderd with wave machine.If the skts become lifted, how much tolerance of the high is acceptable? as example 1mil~5mil,or,1mil~8mil. Pls advise me. Thanks in

Measuring solder level in wave soldering machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 02 11:11:31 EDT 2020 | dontfeedphils

Most select solder machines I've dealt with use conductance sensors to detect solder.

Measuring solder level in wave soldering machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 01 21:28:43 EDT 2020 | victorzubashev

yeap, that's probably a cheaper option. thanks for your advice!

Measuring solder level in wave soldering machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 01 16:21:41 EDT 2020 | emeto

It is usually done differently. Sensor is in the solder. Once solder becomes goes below the sensor, it triggers you need to add. I believe it measures temperature rather than distance.

Measuring solder level in wave soldering machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 00:33:08 EDT 2020 | victorzubashev

Hello everyone, Can you please recommend a sensor to measure (contactless) level of solder inside of the wave soldering bath? ideally it should be a sensor that can reliably measure distanceto the melted solder and provide distance (as a codified si

Re: Hot air knif in wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 10:12:53 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| Hello, | I need some users information about "Air knif" in wave soldering: | 1. Does it decreases bridging ? | 2. Is it self installed of a purchesed kit (if purchesed, who are the recomended vendors) ? | 3. Any other information about the issue. |

Re: Hot air knife in wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 09:23:59 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| Hello, | | I need some users information about "hot air knife" after the wave | bath: | - Defects reduction ? | - In what kind of boards(TH/SMT SOICS ect.) it is applied ? | - Where can I purchase it as a retrofit (Soltec Delta 6622cc) ? |

Losing parts in wave

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 05 18:07:53 EDT 1999 | Bill Haynes

I hope that someone can help me with my problem! I am experiencing a lot of glued on parts falling off in the wave solder machine. A little information about my process: 1)We use Loctite 3609 glue that is used up long before its shelf life 2)Our pa

To reduce the dross formation in wave soldering process

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 09:54:59 EDT 2010 | baildl632

What type of wave machine? Does your machine have a pump speed dial? Does your machine have the ability to raise and lower the pot? Raise pot to as close as possible to the pallets/boards and make sure they can pass over the nozzle without hanging o

To reduce the dross formation in wave soldering process

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 11:36:10 EDT 2010 | baildl632

We installed a fixed distance optical sensor above the conveyor rail and "wired it" throught he machines terminal bus to cut the pump on only when a board was present at the pot. We also installed a timer in line so the pump would only stay on long e

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