Electronics Forum: novastar wave solder (Page 1 of 485)

Solder wave

Electronics Forum | Sat May 05 18:18:22 EDT 2007 | colormaker

I am using a Novastar 12S solder wave with Kester water soluable fux 22-2425. I have used this for years without problems on an old Hollis machine. Just started using the Novastar and after fine tuning I get itermitten bridging on the front of the P

Solder wave

Electronics Forum | Fri May 11 16:29:51 EDT 2007 | anthony

Novastar is JUNK, that is why you cannot get repeatable results. Check the conveyor rails, you will find they are warped. Novastar uses cheap, non-machined rails. Straight from china or india. Their stuff is garbage. Best to swallow the loss and star

Solder wave

Electronics Forum | Mon May 07 22:00:11 EDT 2007 | seb1970

what type of preheater does the novastar use and what temp. is it set on? I am also use to a hollis wave solder machine. Old and crude but works great.

wave solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 10:57:51 EDT 2000 | Jason

I am new to wave soldering. Any information is greatly welcomed. Here is the problem. After soldering the boards they have a film on the bottom of them and sometimes a white powder looking substance. I have tried decreasing the amount of flux on

wave solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 11:15:50 EDT 1998 | Ryan Jennens

Hey all! The wave solder warrior is back. I have found a flux which leave almost no residue (the least yet), but because of its super low solids content I absolutely cannot get topside fillets. The multi-layer, two sided board is on a pallet w

Solder wave

Electronics Forum | Mon May 07 12:40:08 EDT 2007 | patrickbruneel

Jerry, At the end of the article in the link you will see how the wave needs to look like. http://www.interfluxusa.com/Technical/No-Residue_implementation.htm This wave design has been adopted by most machine manufacturers and I would be surprised

Solder wave

Electronics Forum | Mon May 07 10:27:40 EDT 2007 | colormaker

The spray bottle puts more flux on the board but I am not sure how to measure ? I just got the Novastar 12S and its very difficult to set up. When I fix one problem another one show up. When I do get good results I dont make changes and then after a

Solder wave

Electronics Forum | Mon May 07 22:28:17 EDT 2007 | colormaker

radiant heat. 137c The hollis was a great machine. The one I had the prehead wass on or off there was no setting. The pot temperature guage was brocken so I had to guess and manually turn the heater on and off. The whole machine was covered with 1 i

Solder wave

Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 14:48:07 EDT 2007 | jdumont

We got a good deal on ours for around $100K new with not many options. For what its worth I visited Novastar's factory in Pa and was not happy with what I saw there. There were almost no static precautions taken, boards were stacked in cardboard boxe

Best Small wave solder?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 13:12:43 EDT 2010 | gregcr

Hi All, We have been running a Novastar spartan 8S wave solder machine for a number of years. We actually do very little wave soldering and this machine has served us well. I have always been of the opinion that with the small pot and simple fluxe

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