Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 12 15:00:43 EST 2007 | mefunak
Hi,everybody! There is an interesting things happened with the 0402 components- machine Siemens HF3,it's an Emergency Stop error message " Component not at nozzle before placement" and there is a chance to find an extra components lying in a mess on
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 01 09:54:02 EDT 2017 | gsmx4321
I get a Timeout waiting for nozzle changer vacuum buildup failure every time I go to run my 1998 GSMx machine. The problems seems to be that once in a while (it seems to be random) the spindle does not line up exactly in the center of the nozzle cha
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 14:09:57 EDT 2001 | aqueous
Hi Carol, Pressure requirements have changed over the past few years. In the recent past, aqueous cleaning systems relied on high flow, low pressure �flooding� techniques. 20 � 30 PSI pumped through large orifice nozzles. With ever increasing boa
Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 08 06:38:41 EDT 2007 | dilogic
We have an old GSM1 (I-block, USOS V1.4.14, two 4-spindle heads, changers between rails). When I configure machine so there are no nozzles on heads and changers are filled with required nozzles, except for one empty hole, machine won't pick up nozzle
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 09 11:19:07 EDT 2007 | swag
I could be wrong but I don't believe that you can start with any empty spindles. If it picks up nozzles, you will end up with more than one empty changer hole which will not work for the vacuum that is required to remove the nozzles from the spindle
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 15 13:33:46 EST 1999 | Stefan Witte
| Is there anyone know where to get information on PIck & Place equipment Program optimisation ( to improve the speed of component placement for boards). Thank you | Program optimization usually includes set up optimization for the feeder table(s) a
Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 11:45:35 EDT 2005 | PWH
Agree with PDE. We have two GSM's and we get this error often. Palm down e-stop when you get this error message. Machine will drop nozzle bank down after doing some segment repairs. Open covers and make sure nozzles are seated in reference to ali
Electronics Forum | Mon May 13 02:14:04 EDT 2019 | tsvetan
All these generalizations are non sense. What real cph you will receive depend on many factors: - paths optimization - what number of feeders are used - what number of nozzle changes has your job - how fast is the recognition for small and big part
Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 10:51:41 EDT 2016 | swag
UIC'S newer software has a category you can change to force a part to the back during optimization for this very reason. I think it's done in placement list. Example: A part coded 1000 will place after a part coded 500. I don't recall what it is
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 10 15:05:23 EDT 2013 | microaide
I followed your instructions and did NOT select the option to break up the program for separate central controllers. I now have a program I can copy to central controller #1, and I can delete the head 2 data from the program. Now when I select RUN TH