Electronics Forum: nozzle check error (Page 1 of 110)

s-2000 nozzle pick error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 14:39:02 EDT 2012 | wendynguyen234

Our S-2000 pick & place machine has head 2 not picking up any nozzle & displays error code 8342(nozzle check error). In ANC setting, head 1 pick/put ok but not head 2; when "MANUAL" box is checked, clicking PICK/PUT then both head 1 & 2's status disp

Component not at nozzle before placement-0402 components

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 13 10:39:38 EST 2007 | lloyd

Hi Mefunak, I'd say that the vacuum holding circuit is at fault. If the component is picked OK from the feeder ('vacuum check after pickup' is switched on) then the component is being dropped from the head as the gantry moves to the placement positi

Component not at nozzle before placement-0402 components

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 13 16:22:15 EST 2007 | mefunak

Thank you,LLOYD,for your response,all your prepositions will be checked. And about switching machine on and off, I absolutely agree with you, it's the perfect cure for Siemens))) But,a strange thing happened,we changed a head,that started to make the

CM402 - lead check option

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 25 22:03:30 EDT 2016 | annabella

YANGLING SMT CO.,LIMITED Since 2005, 11 years experience China SMT pick and place parts supplier Paticipate NEPCON Shenzhen(2009-2015) Lots of CM402 nozzles on sale. Any interested in please follow me: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vvi80

CP6-4000 nozzle centering errors?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 30 09:50:04 EDT 2008 | jdengler

Another sticky issue is that if you use after market nozzles especially mixed in with Fuji nozzles the Anti-Marking Illumination Disks can be different enough that the vision system will reject nozzles. Jerry

CP6-4000 nozzle centering errors?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 30 09:53:19 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf

"Another sticky issue is that if you use after market nozzles especially mixed in with Fuji nozzles the Anti-Marking Illumination Disks can be different enough that the vision system will reject nozzles. Jerry " Thats what I meant when I said they

CP6-4000 nozzle centering errors?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 30 11:58:16 EDT 2008 | fredc

The right paper incorrectly applied can be a problem also. I have seen it on even new Fuji nozzles with the illumination disk bunched up on one side of the tube with a gap on the opposite side.

unknown nozzle st 17

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 20 10:21:09 EST 2013 | cyber_wolf

Station 17 and 19 errors are almost always caused by dirty clutches or bad sensor dogs. My guess would be bad sensor dogs in this case if it only does it on certain jobs. The reason it happens on those jobs is because there are nozzles being indexed

CP6-4000 nozzle centering errors?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 30 10:18:34 EDT 2008 | jdengler

I've had some that under normal light they looked the same but when the UV light hit them they were very different.

CP6-4000 nozzle centering errors?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 14:57:26 EDT 2008 | rodrigo

Hi all, Is it normal for some of the small nozzles to be rejected by the wide view camera? Every time I do a nozzle centering the narrow view camera shows green circles for nozzles 1,2,3,4. The larger ones (5 and 6) show the asterisk. The wide view c

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