Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 17 18:17:36 EST 2024 | jeautom_32
Anyone have use for 3230, 3240, 3450 UIC nozzles?
Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 17:33:52 EDT 2005 | russ
What's going wrong with the nozzles that you have to replace? Are you running CP40 / 45 models? We have used our N08 nozzles for 5+yrs now without replacing. Russ
Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 18:40:49 EDT 2005 | jsloot
The ends of the nozzles look flattened. I haven't measured the total length yet to see if it is in tolerance or not. That is for tomorrows "to do" list as well as calling tech support. When I slow the machine speed down and watch what is happening I
Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 13:02:57 EDT 2005 | jsloot
I have two Samsung machines running about 500 hours a month each. Placement rate is on the average 12,000 CPH between the two. The life expectancy of the nozzles used on 1206 packages seems rather short to me. It was about 2 months ago I replaced the
Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 18:27:06 EDT 2005 | russ
So what is happening to these nozzles? Are they sliding off of the compliance assy?, getting dinged? Have you contacted dynatech SMT about this yet?
Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 19:11:49 EDT 2005 | jsloot
That I can do, checking the placement height that is and the clamps. I believe my clamps are 4mm. If your nozzles have survived 5 years how many placements is that...roughly? In the billions?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 12:34:24 EDT 2005 | bradlanger
We have a CP-40 and a CP-50 and have placed millions of 1206 parts in the last year and there is minimal wear on the N08 nozzles.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 16:22:23 EST 2007 | dborgelt
I need to have a rework nozzle made up to remove some connectors. Does anyone know of a good company that does this?
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 16:34:51 EST 2007 | dborgelt
I need to have a custom rework nozzle made up to remove some connectors. Does anyone know of a good company that does this?
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 26 10:00:51 EST 2024 | poly
I think I use all those numbers!
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