Electronics Forum: ntc (Page 1 of 1)

NTC crack on body of component

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 03:43:48 EDT 2018 | vlad_saviuk

Hello, have some problem and interesting, does any body faced with same issue. On most of our products we have NTC thermistor(like on the photo), and during assembly process and handling great amount of components cracked on PCBA so we need to replac

imm. silver

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 20:02:58 EDT 2002 | davef

Often assemblers leave areas unsoldered for future component additions, modifications, and test points. On imm silver boards, these unsoldered areas become a real bear to solder/test later in life. One way to avoid that problem is deposit some solder

Is there any formal school or training for SMT?

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 19 07:30:25 EDT 2005 | davef

Try: * Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility (EMPF) 317.226.5640 Ray Cirimele 317.231.2045fax226.5673 * National Training Center for Microelectronics Northampton Community College 3855 Green Pond Rd Bethlehem, PA 18017-7599 610.861.4553f


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