Electronics Forum: number (Page 1 of 319)

GSM1 machine serial number

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 03:01:36 EST 2004 | ethercom

How does one figure out the year of manufacture from GSM1 serial number?

Novastar ESS-310 Negative number

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 13 17:14:09 EDT 2023 | brantco

Hello Everyone i have a ESS-310 and have to input a negative number on the Y axis would anyone know the button combination for a negative number

GSM1 machine serial number

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 05 14:26:51 EDT 2004 | mgc

Hi Quanta, Universal serial numbers can be explained by our Technical Support staff. Briefly, serial numbers identify the documentation that the machine was built against, the chronological position within a lot of machines, an Equipment Number descr

Industry benchmark ppm number

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 25 08:48:45 EDT 1998 | raymond

Is there an industry standard in calculating SMT process PPM level for benchmarking purpose ? What are the industry benchmark ppm number for some of the defects like solder short for 20-mil QFP, tomstone problem for 0603 components etc....

U.S. number for EKRA?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 15:58:46 EDT 1999 | Jennifer

Does anyone have a US or North American phone and address contact for EKRA (Eduard Kraft)? I have been told by several people that there is a small office here in the US, but so far I've been unable to locate it. Any assistance is appreciated!

Novastar ESS-310 Negative number

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 25 19:36:41 EDT 2023 | samlam

The process of med spa staffing is intricately outlined in the discussions on https://valhallamedics.com/navigating-the-challenges-of-med-spa-staffing-the-role-of-valhalla-medics/ . The page unveils the nuances and challenges inherent in med spa staf

Re: U.S. number for EKRA?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 18:45:08 EDT 1999 | Dan Lambert

Jennifer, Try calling Jim Berhnard at PAA. His number is (508) 695-7557. He is the person you need to talk to. Dan | Does anyone have a US or North American phone and address contact for EKRA (Eduard Kraft)? | | I have been told by several

Re: Industry benchmark ppm number

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 25 12:58:13 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Is there an industry standard in calculating SMT process | PPM level for benchmarking purpose ? What are the industry | benchmark ppm number for some of the defects like solder | short for 20-mil QFP, tomstone problem for 0603 components etc....

Re: U.S. number for EKRA?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 16:26:55 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| Does anyone have a US or North American phone and address contact for EKRA (Eduard Kraft)? | | I have been told by several people that there is a small office here in the US, but so far I've been unable to locate it. | | Any assistance is appre

Re: U.S. number for EKRA?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 16:44:23 EDT 1999 | Jennifer

| | Does anyone have a US or North American phone and address contact for EKRA (Eduard Kraft)? | | | | I have been told by several people that there is a small office here in the US, but so far I've been unable to locate it. | | | | Any assistanc

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