Electronics Forum: number of repair pads (Page 1 of 5)

Non wetting spots of flex PCB pads

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 29 10:53:30 EDT 2023 | matouschekd

Repairing these PCBs was not an option due to the delivery amount. Oxidation is unlikely, as these anomalies were visible right after unpacking them and the humidity card was not suspicious. We have since decided not to use these PCBs as the risks w

Non wetting spots of flex PCB pads

Electronics Forum | Fri May 26 04:58:19 EDT 2023 | auriga2001

I agree with the two other replies. Left alone, it is a defect. If it's just excess adhesive or coating, you can use IPC-7711/7721 'Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies' for guidance on removing. Section 2.3.1 explains how to te

Number of thermal excursions per componet

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 27 21:05:48 EDT 2001 | davef

BGA Cycle 1: solder ball attach. BGA Cycle 2: BGA attach to board. BGA Cycle 3: BGA removal from board. BGA Cycle 4: BGA pad dress. BGA Cycle 5: BGA ball replacement. BGA Cycle 6: BGA re-attach to board. Board Cycle 1: BGA attach to board. Boar

Re: Repair of SMT boards...a question!!

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 07 10:57:31 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| | | | Where I can find some informations about repairing of SMT boards? | | | | | | | | Thanks | | | | | | | | Marcos | | | | | | | A first place to start is IPC's 7711 and 7721 encompasing repair, modification, and rework procedures. | | | |

Reliability of Reworked Pads/Traces?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 20 19:27:14 EST 2000 | Marc Ruggiero

Hello, I am looking for inputs (experiential or opinions) concerning field reliability of high-frequency RF boards that have had a trace or pad repair (or both), any package type. If anyone can comment on this subject, I would appreciate it. We bu

Wavesoldering of PLCC44 package

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 25 05:42:17 EST 2000 | Istv�n Dominik

Hi, We should wavesolder a PLCC44 package. The PCB is under the design procedure now and we must specify the best parameters (the orientation (45 or 90 degrees) of the package on the PCB,the number, the positon and the size of the solder thief pads

Wavesoldering of PLCC44 package

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 25 05:42:17 EST 2000 | Istv�n Dominik

Hi, We should wavesolder a PLCC44 package. The PCB is under the design procedure now and we must specify the best parameters (the orientation (45 or 90 degrees) of the package on the PCB,the number, the positon and the size of the solder thief pads

Cost of solder joint rework

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 01 21:59:10 EDT 2000 | Ray Chartrand

Does anyone know the current cost to repair a defective solder joint? I seem to recall a number quoted a few years ago of $1.03 per joint with burden of overhead. I've also seen numbers from 50 cents to 50 dollars per joint.

Re: Repair of SMT boards

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 05 07:23:20 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Where I can find some informations about repairing of SMT boards? | | Thanks | | Marcos | Marcos: Ya know, repair is that "dirty little" part of the business that all try to ignore, don't want to fund properly, and creats more angst than propa

Re: Reliability of Reworked Pads/Traces?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 09:31:28 EST 2000 | Erick

Marc: My experience found reliability IS a function of operator skill and attension to the process. Expecially for some RF assemblies. I worked with an engineer from Rogers to develope a process for reworking Pads for a special material. (I thing

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