Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 28 15:58:38 EDT 2013 | sonavc
Hi. 'm new to this Fuji CP3, I bought this machine in working condition ( I saw it ran, but I forgot to check the board in and out ).... Moved to my location, Problem: When the board is trying to load to the X-Y table, it passed the conveyor B but
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 24 15:32:22 EDT 2019 | kurtiss
During production our MPM Accuflex stopped working. When going into "Play" mode to run production it almost instantly Pauses. When going into vision setup it fails to load the PCB saying "The PCB Did Not Load". Ignoring this error and trying to read
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 15 07:12:20 EST 2004 | vinitverma
Does Serge need bacons or turkeys?? None of them?? Then let him think about which machine suits his requirements! Throughput, flexibility, large board handling, output derating across board size variation and component size variation! Future proof -
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 17 10:27:01 EST 2021 | ecogroup
Thanks for replying Bukas...few days prior we found out it was the conveyor IF board. Changed it, all the contactors now engage. But now have these errors: Opened [SYSTEM] file is created by #1 machine. No command resonse from handler. (0x1000)
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 15 19:11:53 EDT 2006 | daxman
If I've been clear, the parts become offset as the XY table moves around, without fiducial correction. It's when it does a fiducial correction that the placement is alright. If the placement is excellent, and I just zip the table around...load posit
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