Electronics Forum: nxt w08c feeder (Page 1 of 5)

Barcode Label Feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 15:20:24 EDT 2004 | nxt

Thanks, however this is not the technology that I'm interested in. Bartector is for setup verification of feeders. I am in need of a feeder vendor that can provide a feeder to present a barcode label to a placement machine for placement onto a pcb

Barcode Label Feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 14:48:46 EDT 2004 | nxt

I was interested in obtaining any information from anybody who is utilizing a barcode label feeder in their SMT placement machine process. I have heard a lot of good things about Hover-Davis and was wondering if anyone had input on other barcode lab

Barcode Label Feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 16:05:05 EDT 2004 | nxt

My point exactly. I was just curious if anyone was creating on the side.

Do you use a FUJI NXTIII pick and place machine? I wonder if you are using W08c, or W08f feeder?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 21 06:05:48 EDT 2022 | sophyluo1985

Hi,Dear All,Recently we have many customers asking us, FUJI NXTIII pick and place machine can use W08c feeder or W08f feeder, which one is better? We know the W08c will cost less than the W08f feeder. But there will still be some people who will be c

Do you use a FUJI NXTIII pick and place machine? I wonder if you are using W08c, or W08f feeder?

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 25 14:48:11 EDT 2022 | dwxsmt

Professional engineer,haha, could you please share me this file? mail: info@smtlinemachine.com Thanks advance

Do you use a FUJI NXTIII pick and place machine? I wonder if you are using W08c, or W08f feeder?

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 25 13:58:16 EDT 2022 | kojotssss

Route differences you should read in user manuals from Fuji. As i know W08f types feederes comes from factory with magnetic Sub plate, for f type is it Standard equipment!

Fuji NXT Feeder

Electronics Forum | Mon May 28 22:39:20 EDT 2007 | fazan83

Guys please help. Does anybody know what is the length of the empty components space in tape and reel that we need to provide for the Fuji NXT feeders to enable the FUji NXT placement? Please give me spec for 8mm, 12mm feeders and ETC. ALso if som

Feeder selection

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 23 08:52:10 EDT 2021 | pradeep14


Fuji NXT

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 18:17:47 EST 2006 | grantp

Hi, I think you can run the wide modules if you need to run large boards. However we went for a bunch of XP machines instead of NXT, because we can use IP and CP feeders, plus we get 100 feeder slots per XP-143, where each module of NXT has less. Bu

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