Electronics Forum: occurs (Page 1 of 112)

DEK 288 Squeegee Error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 22 20:46:10 EDT 2007 | nickh

I ran into an error with our DEK 288 machine, when I go to initialize the machine the following error occurs: Squeegee Height: Error Input Active. This occurs with or without a squeegee present, and I have tried restarting multiple times, but the sa

How long does it tkae for Tin-Lead solder to rust if put outside

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 27 17:25:33 EDT 2007 | chef

The short answer is immediately after reflow the problem occurs. To be more exact, what you are describing is not "rust". Rust occurs in iron. The oxidation that occurs in Tin-Lead has been sometimes called "white rust". Either way, oxidation occur

SPC and Wave

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 14 10:00:21 EDT 2005 | chunks

Any one using SPC to monitor their wave solder process? My point is collecting defects and using a scatter plot is useful but only after a problem occurs. SPC's true function is to warn of impending problems that are about to occur. Can SPC really

ALARM occurred in WIDTH axis-CP45 NEO

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 12 05:54:53 EDT 2021 | starsanat

Hello dear users I got this message on machine: "ALARM occurred in WIDTH axis". How can I fix the problem if anybody has this before

Re: Reliability Problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 01 17:09:51 EST 2000 | Dave F

Gwen: Failures occur during a products life cycle, as you say. According to Reliability Analysis Center, overall factors affecting reliability are: � Maintenance shop (17%) � Hardware reliability (16%) � Retest OK (28%) � Design (21%) � Quality (18

Re: Reliability Problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 01 17:09:51 EST 2000 | Dave F

Gwen: Failures occur during a products life cycle, as you say. According to Reliability Analysis Center, overall factors affecting reliability are: � Maintenance shop (17%) � Hardware reliability (16%) � Retest OK (28%) � Design (21%) � Quality (18

Fuji IP-1 hesitates for a few seconds then continues working

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 02:36:04 EDT 2007 | bvdb

Hi, Yes, the Q axis rotates easily both manually and with the use of the inching keys. What's interesting is that the hesitation occurs even if the Q-axis is pre-rotated before picking up the part so I don't think the Q-axis is actually being calle

BGA rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 17:58:09 EST 2004 | davef

Vijay: Questions are: * Where are the shorts occuring? * Would you please describe your preheat / underside heating methods?

Fuji CP troubleshooting

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 16:43:41 EST 2005 | mee13

what size feeder are you using there, when does this alarm occur :during prod?

BTU paramax 150

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 29 23:25:23 EST 2006 | fastek

Is this a recent happening or has it always occured since you got the oven?

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