Electronics Forum: offer (Page 1 of 174)

Multilingual software Pnp

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 10:39:05 EDT 2004 | Frank

I know that Juki offers English, Japanese, and Chinese. I know that Sony offers English and Spanish, but not sure if they offer other languages. I am unfamilar with other platforms. Frank

BGA Reballing Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 21:34:07 EST 2005 | Steve

Don't know of anything really automated, Winslow Automation offers solder spheres on water soluble tape and a company called the Waveroom Plus in NH offers a machine reasonably priced but it is not automated. There are companies out there that offer

SMT Automation Training

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 14 11:16:06 EDT 2019 | andrewpayonk

I know certain manufacturers offer training like Juki and Fuji. Fuji offers several days courses in Chicago. Others offer on-site training as well.

Programming Software

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 18 07:14:49 EDT 2013 | jlawson

Yes Aegis and Valor are good choices in terms of NPI, SMT programming , which one you choose will depend on other factors, Valor offers I feel a more rounded product, ie under one platform. Both offer CAD-BOM to SMT and Documentation, but Valor offer

assembly software for JUKI

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 01 08:06:22 EDT 2013 | sarason

There is my shareware package PCBSynergy https://pcbsynergy.com It doesn't do spliting out of the box but you can split the file in Excel and then re-import. All up board prep less than 5 minutes. There are also quite a few commercial packages suc

Juki IFS ?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 15 21:12:13 EDT 2015 | jlawson

As far as I know is pretty basic and only matches IPN to a feeder , does not offer serialisation of actual parts. For trace this is not accurate ie trace a btach to a work order to couple of PCB not possible. This may have changed in latest JUKI off

SMT T&R overlay pull guage

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 27 14:59:02 EDT 2004 | anonymous

GPD,General Production Devices has a T&R Peelback Force Tester among their product offerings. 1-800-pickgpd I am not aware of other vendors offerings.

New SMT line - P&P equipment selection help

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 08:53:27 EDT 2005 | bobl

1100 units. You think someone could offer up some first hand experiences with this machine. Maybe Vera1001 can offer some insight.

Lead free tin copper only

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 27 11:30:47 EST 2006 | solderiron

Kester is offering a tin/copper alloy for lead free. Any comments regarding using just tin/copper as opposed to tin/silver/copper or tin/nickel/copper? the price is low but why wouldn't everyone else offer just this alloy as opposed to the standard S


Electronics Forum | Wed May 30 08:47:09 EDT 2007 | pjc

Some p&p machines are offering mechanical gripper tools these days. Check with you p&p maker to see if they have any offerings.

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