Electronics Forum: oils (Page 1 of 33)

Conformal coating to avoid oil leak from circuit board

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 10 09:58:38 EST 2013 | kumuda

We have been using a circuit board in the assembly of HV Tank used in X-ray generator. This board acts as a sealant to the oil tank opening. The top side area of the board which comes in contact with oil is conformal coated to avoid oil leak. However

US source for Kirsten wave oil / ADL

Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 14:42:42 EDT 2013 | davef

Wave Soldering Oil * Qualitek International 2020 Wave Oil qualitek.com/2020_2100.PDF * Hi Grade (H.K.) Ltd. #9300 water soluble wave-oil higrade-hk.com * Solder Connection Wave Oil solderconnection.com/prod_category.php?category=PCB%20Assembly%20M

High Temp Chain Oil

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 20 12:50:32 EST 2008 | soudomphong

Where can I get Tribol 1421/SG high temp chain Oil? Thanks, Seth

Omniflo 5 conveyor

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 27 11:03:06 EST 2006 | mapell

Tribol 1430 is the latest generation oil, 930 can't take lead free temps. Please see the following link.... http://www.castrol.com/castrol/productdetailmin.do?categoryId=82958955&contentId=6004371 If your getting alot smoke and residue, reduce the

Cleaning Copper Surface

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 02 14:42:55 EST 2010 | davef

smt_guy: In removing passivation coats and handling oil, board fabs do light washes with: * Sulfuric acid * Alkaline * Water ... and then blow dry. They do not see "oil" like you seem to be talking about. Their "oil" is the assumption that someone

oil contaminated PCB cleaning

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 31 18:05:30 EST 2010 | davef

Questions are: * What kind of oil is this? Where did it come from? * In olden days, we used to pour oil on the wave solder pot to limit dross formation and loosen-up the solder. Miss that stuff, sigh. * Is there oil under the BGA? It's surface ten

Heller 1707EXL chain oil jar

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 13:17:57 EDT 2011 | oangulo

I need to know the Heller 1707EXL chain oil jar part number and the oil part number. And where I can order them.

Removing oil from compressed air

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 10 09:41:37 EDT 2014 | bobpan

Can anyone recommend a top notch filter to remove oil from the compressed air lines. The filter will be placed before the machine. We have traps that catch .01 micron oil in the airline but it is still getting through to the machine. Thanks, Bob

Baking components at 70 degree

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 18 01:47:25 EDT 2008 | sleech

Innovative Drying Co., considered this possibility early in our experiments. The rate of chamber pump-down is not a consideration. However, the selection of the vacuum pump is critical. Avoid oil-sealed pumps at all costs. A poorly maintained oil-tra

Thermal Interface Material

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 29 08:27:46 EDT 2019 | SMTA-williams

Can anyone help understanding the function of the oil in a bi-components Thermal Interface Material ? After a while, when the material is stored, the oil comes up in the surface : shall we remove it ? shall we re-integrate it into the TIM ? what if w

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