Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 06 08:34:35 EST 2002 | Eliud
Good morning! Has someone use an omega meter to qualify a No-Clean process?
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 06 21:41:10 EST 2002 | davef
Yes, RR0013 was well done, but it did not consider low-res fluxes.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 06 11:51:04 EST 2002 | caldon
The EMPF has a great Paper regarding the Omega meter. www.empf.org (Click the Tech Pubs Icon) Here you will find a host of technical papers. These papers were relevant in their time but most have proved to be irrelevant in current day manufacturing.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 06 21:16:17 EST 2002 | davef
�What does 5 micrograms of chloride mean to me?� * With SIR testing, you can show no detrimental leakage currents under humid conditions, no corrosion, no metal migration, which are the big factors in figuring out electrochemical reliability. People
Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 10 09:11:59 EDT 2005 | davef
What does Cookson [ http://www.scscookson.com/parylene_equipment/testing-ionograph.cfm ] say?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 12 16:26:38 EDT 2005 | Roberto Rodriguez
Thanks Davef
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 12:54:02 EDT 2005 | Roberto Rodriguez
I have a omega meter 600 SMD, but I need a calibration Certificated and Service Support, I'm tring to find in Internet but this machine is OLD. Do you know a company give this Service? Please contact to Email. Roberto.Rodriguez@Teradyne.com Eng. Ro
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 12 15:14:34 EDT 2006 | pjc
Call tech support at 800-356-8260 ex. 260, they will assist.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 11 16:17:22 EDT 2006 | jimc
Need help with an 1994 vintage Alpha Metals Omegameter 700 (OM700) Ionic Contamination tester. These machines apparently came with a unique password to access the configuration. The original factory-configured password has been long lost. I'm wo
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 02 08:47:07 EDT 2009 | jhowrylak
I have a operational Omega Meter 600 that I am looking to part ways with. Let me know if interested.