Electronics Forum: omega-meter calibration (Page 1 of 1)

Conformal Coating Issues

Electronics Forum | Fri May 18 10:43:32 EDT 2012 | davef

Umar Chapter 7 of IPC-HDBK-830, Guidelines for Design, Selection and Application of Conformal Coatings deals with compatibility of the different materials in the chain. Have you: * Tested your bare boards at incoming for cleanliness with your Omega

omega meter 600 smd

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 12:54:02 EDT 2005 | Roberto Rodriguez

I have a omega meter 600 SMD, but I need a calibration Certificated and Service Support, I'm tring to find in Internet but this machine is OLD. Do you know a company give this Service? Please contact to Email. Roberto.Rodriguez@Teradyne.com Eng. Ro

ROSE Test Instruments

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 07 20:28:02 EST 2004 | Dreamsniper

Hi, Is there a standard expiry date for a ROSE Test Instrument Like Ionographs, Omega Meters, Zero-Ion etc.? How can I verify if my OmegaMeter 500 which is almost 20 years old is providing me reliable data during testing? Note that the equipment is

Ionic Contamination Tester Concentration Monitoring

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 11 18:44:31 EDT 2008 | smt_guy

We have an Ionic Contamination Testing system but short of having a monitoring record for the chemical concentration. What we have is a monthly maintenance check of the concentration and annual check and calibration of the chemicals. We seldom use th

Re: Aye aye aye. Wait Wait Wait

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 12:32:15 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| | | | | We understand that testing for ionic contamination and surface insulation resistance measure different properties. We assemble printed circuit boards for other companies. We will not get combs on 90% of the boards that we assemble. | | |


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