Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 06 15:18:01 EDT 2011 | tdhiggins
Mike, I can send you a copy. What is your email > address? Travis, I could use a copy of the manual or parts and pieces of it. Could you send me what you have? tdhiggins@spectek.com thanks, Todd Higgins
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 08 17:48:18 EST 2010 | katguts69
looking for schematics for electrovert omni 7 reflow oven. manufactured in 1998. help!
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 09 12:31:39 EST 2010 | travishemen
Mike, I can send you a copy. What is your email address?
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 11 17:16:17 EDT 2013 | saied
Hello, We would like to order this spare-part blower motor electrovert omni Excel for Speedline Technologies Electrovert, type: Omni Excel 7 Serial: 476219 Date: 4/04 and we would be thankful if you provide us the Service manul for your prod
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 26 15:06:08 EST 2008 | shrek
KRIKIES! "excellent" reading skills, me lad? Is your workforce required to read "Catcher in the Rye" and Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales"? lol
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 18:36:52 EST 2008 | jmelson
Our people have EXCELLENT reading skills, and for some stuff I do have a list of the order to assemble the parts, with some tricks, etc. called out. But, a color-coded assembly drawing is what we use the most. I use Sharpie markers to color-code th
Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 17:37:25 EDT 2007 | jmelson
I did one batch of low-density (0805 and standard SO chips) with excellent results. I then spent some time figuring out how to calibrate the mechanical alignment station (most of the calibration offsets on this machine were either zero or several mm
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 25 19:38:39 EDT 2013 | colcircuitos
I need OmniFlo 10 Engineering Data Sheet, manual.
Electronics Forum | Wed May 26 17:46:02 EDT 2004 | pjc
Electrovert has hard data on electrical and N2 consumption for the new OmniEXCEL series ovens to compare with preceeding OmniFlo series. Have a look.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 14:27:08 EDT 2009 | soudomphong
I need help with conveyor speed in Omni Excel 7. It fluctuate, and never have a steady speed. I swapped the speed control card,calibrated, encoder, and I still have the same problem. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.