Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 26 10:47:39 EST 2010 | oeidave
Hi, Thank you for posting your question. Omron Electronics provides both High End AOI and 3D SPI systems. I believe that our S7oo series AOi and VP 5000 or VP 6000 3D SPI systems will meet your needs. Please feel free to contact me via email (david.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 11 04:39:29 EDT 2012 | buckcho
Hello to everyone! I am making another discussion about AOI. I hope I posted in the right sub-forum.I read all the other threads and I have some questions. My company wants to byu a new post reflow AOI machine and they have selected these brands - Om
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 07 12:00:12 EDT 2023 | smtlover
Hi friends, Does anyone have a repository of OMRON manuals/software? We are looking for any VT-RNS, RNSII or other OMRON AOI files. Thanks for the help!
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 02:55:10 EST 2015 | arct1c
Hi, we are looking for 1 or 2 new postreflow AOI machines to replace our old ones and possibly 1 prereflow AOI(we never had pre reflow before). In our company we run low volumes and high volumes. I have been looking at Viscom, Mirtec mostly, Cyberop
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 08 10:32:27 EDT 2005 | rlackey
We ran an MVT 1820 Supra against a VT-Win-II for around 40K high density boards. One machine was 1/3 of the price of the other, more accurate in production, faster, and could handle larger boards. Guess which won? Fortunately we were able to loo
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