Electronics Forum: operational (Page 1 of 431)

EKRA E4 operational manual

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 24 23:28:36 EDT 2017 | micropak

I doubt there are PDF versions out there for such old machines.

EKRA E4 operational manual

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 06 06:35:55 EDT 2017 | esolano

Hi I am looking operationalnad servcie manualof EKRA E4, please send me in my id atulpant@tekmart.com. Thanks & Best Regards Atul

Looking for operational amplifier that working on 5V

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 27 10:00:28 EDT 2002 | benny

Looking for operational amplifier that working on 5V

Looking for operational amplifier that working on 5V

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 17:42:47 EDT 2002 | davef

There's a lot of �5v op amps out there, but if you look there's some 5v rail to rail op amps also. here's one: http://www.aldinc.com/ALD1702.pdf

Who should operate an AOI? operator or Inspector?

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 12:16:27 EST 2005 | james

Just wondering who should really operate an AOI? Should it be the SMT operator or the Inspector? We are trying to run the AOI inline but Operators do not feel it is their job to do so. Just wondering how others are handling it.

Who should operate an AOI? operator or Inspector?

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 12:36:04 EST 2005 | Mike

If it's inline then, operators.

Who should operate an AOI? operator or Inspector?

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 15:48:08 EST 2005 | Kornholio

Gid Dam Corksockers tried to make me operate AOI but not mah job!

Who should operate an AOI? operator or Inspector?

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 14:20:22 EST 2005 | mmjm_1099

"We are trying to run the AOI inline but Operators do not feel it is their job to do so." THAN REPLACE THE OPERATORS WITH SOMEONE WHO VALUES A JOB. Thats how I would handle that one.

Who should operate an AOI? operator or Inspector?

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 14:46:56 EST 2005 | pjc

Most AOI, in-line or off-line, are operated by SMT machine operators. Yes, and how dare they say "..do not feel it is their job". FEEL, are you kidding me. Fire their asses.

Who should operate an AOI? operator or Inspector?

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 13:04:58 EST 2005 | tommyttr

AOI should be operated by an INSPECTOR! Inspectors do not operate assembly machines or automated assembly equipment, why would an operator run an Automated Inspection? Are your operators certified to IPC standards to make calls on bad solder joints o

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