Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 14:18:32 EST 2006 | James
Billy, I have to disagree with you. We inadvertently soldered a Pb BGA with SAC305 paste and then had it micro sectioned and spectrum analyzed. Imagine our surprise when we saw the spectrum analysis showed Pb. The micro sections showed none to ac
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 30 05:06:22 EDT 2015 | CyberOptics Corporation
Hello Shim, CyberOptics offers a complete range of 2D and 3D AOI systems to suit a wide spectrum of applications. You can find out more about our inspection solutions at http://www.cyberoptics.com Please feel free to contact our Sales team or dist
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 24 04:07:31 EDT 2005 | Khoo Meng Tze, Freescale Malaysia
Hi, I am doing a research on the solder ball joint strength of lead free PBGA package. Coming across a dozen of literatures and journals(and the industry itself), I have found out that the method of measuring intermetallic compound(IMC) formation is
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 14 09:32:59 EST 2004 | patrickbruneel
Hi Paul, One thing I can tell you for sure "lead free" is not going to solve your problem, because spectrum analysis have shown that dendrites at there final stage always consists of pure tin. The higher the tin content the higher the risk for dead
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 20:40:48 EDT 2001 | davef
No one suggested that you speak for other suppliers and nor would they want� you �to speak for them." You shouldn�t make this something that it isn�t. All that was requested courteously was suggestions of alternate suppliers that could be considere
Electronics Forum | Tue May 13 20:48:10 EDT 2008 | davef
Rob On your thermal recipe: Above liquidous for nearly 2 minutes seems to be a scoush long. Not sure you're doing anything positive with things like that. On the article: * SMT Magazine, October, 2002, p24 'Q & A: BGA Dewetting' * "Q: Our manufactu
Electronics Forum | Tue May 08 11:27:49 EDT 2001 | Eyal Duzy
I will review some of the advantages/disadvantages of AOI vs. X-Ray one by one according to the main differences that you may find between them. * AOI uses optics that can "see" only visible elements. X-Ray can "see" hidden elements. There is a ve
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 24 18:57:03 EDT 2009 | davef
From "siliconfareast.com": Basic Die Cracking FA Flow 1) Failure Information/Device and Lot History Review. Understand the customer's description of the failure, i.e., the failure mode, where it was encountered, what conditions the sample was subject
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